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Seychelles Throws Hat in the Ring for AU Commission Chair, Shaking Up Race Against Raila Odinga and Fawzia Yusuf

Seychelles throws its hat in the ring for the AU Commission Chairperson position, shaking up Raila and Somalia's hopes. Kenya, Djibouti, and Somalia have already put forward their candidates, but Seychelles has now entered the race with Vincent Meriton as its contender, adding complexity to the competition. Meriton, with his extensive background in various key ministries, including Foreign Affairs and Health, is seen as a strong candidate. Djibouti's Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, Kenya's Raila Odinga, and Somalia's Fawzia Yusuf are…

the lava flow has ceased but the shaking

The famous volcano Nyiragongo, near the city of Goma, in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), came into sudden activity on Saturday night and the authorities ordered the evacuation of the city. This Sunday morning, the lava flow seems to have stopped its development, reports AFP, and the inhabitants are starting to return.…

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