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Rwandan Legislative Elections: FPR Secure Dominant Majority, Reports Indicate

Rwanda's Election Results: A Dominant Victory for Kagame's Party Rwanda woke up to the partial legislative election results rolling in from Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Following Monday evening's announcement, President Paul Kagame, reinforcing his grip on power after securing a staggering 99% of the votes in the presidential polls, saw his party also dominate parliamentary seats. As the dust settles, the landscape appears crystal-clear—Kagame's party reinforces its stronghold in Rwandan politics.

Rwandan Citizens Vote to Elect New President and Legislators

Rwandans Vote to Choose New President and Lawmakers Rwandans are heading to the polls to select a new president and members of parliament. This election marks a crucial moment for the country's future direction. "Today's vote is pivotal for our nation," said Jean, a local resident. Voters like him are eager to see positive change and better governance. Polling stations are bustling with activity, as citizens exercise their democratic rights. Despite the sweltering heat, the enthusiasm among voters remains high.…

Rwandan President Paul Kagame seeks fourth term in upcoming election

In Rwanda, incumbent President Paul Kagame, in power for 24 years, is seeking a fourth term in the July 15 presidential election. After launching a major national tour three weeks ago, visiting more than 30 cities and villages, he gathered tens of thousands of supporters on Friday in the hills of Kigali, the capital. Re-elected with 99% of the vote in 2017, Kagame faces only two other candidates and only one is considered a real opponent, having won 1% of the vote in the last election.

Rwandan soldiers fighting with M23 rebels in DRC, report says

A recent UN report reveals that between 3,000 and 4,000 Rwandan troops are fighting alongside M23 rebels in eastern DRC, with Kigali exercising significant control over the rebel group’s operations. The report, commissioned by the UN Security Council, highlights Rwanda’s considerable military involvement and influence in the conflict, holding Rwanda responsible for the M23’s actions.

The alleged Rwandan genocide Félicien Kabuga imprisoned in The Hague

Arrested in mid-May after 26 years on the run, the Rwandan businessman faces seven counts of genocide and crimes against humanity. In late September, the Court of Cassation validated the arrest warrant issued against him and ordered his transfer to the mechanism, a UN body responsible for the latest cases at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), which closed its doors in 2014. The…

Three Rwandan genocide suspects arrested in Belgium, prosecutors say

Three men suspected of being involved in the 1994 Rwandan genocide have been arrested and charged in Belgium with serious human rights abuses, prosecutors said on Saturday. The office gave no details about the three, but said their identity had been established using testimony collected in Rwanda by a Belgian investigation. "Two were arrested on Tuesday in Brussels and the third on Wednesday in Hainault (province)," said Eric Van Duyse, a spokesman for the Belgian Federal Prosecutor's Office. "All three have been…

Rwandan opponent Paul Rusesabagina remains in prison

This Friday, October 2, Rwandan justice once again rejected the request for release on bail for Paul Rusesabagina, who is known to have saved many lives during the genocide of the Tutsis. This opponent of President Paul Kagame is targeting 13 charges, all linked to terrorist acts. The court ruled that Paul Rusesabagina could flee the country if he was released, and therefore rejected his application for bail on appeal. The referee also responded to some points raised by the defense as well as by Paul Rusesabagin's family,…

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