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Turkey participates in the reconstruction of the Somali National Army [SNA]

MOGADISHU, Somalia The Turkish government donates armored anti-mine vehicles to the Somali National Army with the aim of helping in the fight against the AlShabaab fighters who live on the Horn of Africa devastates. AlShabaab tries to overthrow the fragile Somali government  with UN support, but has faced stiff resistance for years from an organized army, mainly foreign troops, serving the African Union mission in Somalia. . Hassan Ali Mohamed, Somalia's Defense Minister, and General Odowaa Yusuf Rageh, Chief of the…

Somalia: fallout looms between Farmaajo and Prime Minister within the function of Fahad Yasin

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Bitter fallout between outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble is looming in Somalia, following the reinstatement of sacked spy agency officials, in what now shows divisions within the government. Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble sacked the National Intelligence Security Agency Deputy Director Abdullahi Kulane and Abdiwahab Sheikh, the spy in charge of Adan Adde International Airport, in what he called "disrespect" to civilians. But in an…

What role for women in Boko groups

Until then, there was little information about the role of women in armed groups Boko Haram and Katiba Macina, but a recent study by the Institute of Studies and Security (ISS) looked at the subject. They collected many testimonies from men and women who were or had been associated with the armed groups Boko Haram in Niger and Katiba Macina in Mali.…

Morocco is still striving to play the role of mediator

Rabat is organizing a new meeting of Libyan officials to move forward on the issue of uniting sovereign institutions. Since the Bouznika dialogue in September last year, this file has been blocked with regard to the appointment of the heads of seven institutions. After being twice postponed, the meeting between Aguila Saleh, the head of parliament and Khaled al-Mishri, the head of the Supreme Council,…

there is a role for jihadists in

Mali is still awaiting the announcement of the appointment of its new Prime Minister. More than a week after the arrest of Colonel Assimi Goïtade's military, former president and transitional minister, the country remains uncertain. French President Emmanuel Macron has threatened to withdraw French troops involved in the fight against terrorism if Mali gives in to the "temptation of radical Islam".…

The position of the non-public sector in creating employment alternatives in

Yearly, universities and schools in Somalia produce hundreds of graduates who be part of the labor market in Somalia looking for alternatives which can be tough to get hold of. Attributable to a long time of civil struggle in Somalia, it has widespread poverty ranges and hampered financial progress. This had led to acute unemployment ranges with out there knowledge indicating that nearly 68 per cent of kids aged 14-29 are unemployed. Somalia has an estimated inhabitants of 15 million and has a predominantly youthful…

Somalia’s Prime Minister urges youth to strengthen their function in peace, reconstruction

Somalia's Prime Minister urges youth to strengthen their function in peace, reconstruction MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's Prime Minister Mohamed Roble on Saturday known as on the youth to participate within the reconstruction and democratization of the nation. In an announcement issued in Mogadishu on the event of the 78th anniversary of the Somali Youth Day, Roble urged youth to…

justice tries to highlight the role of his wife

The Tribunal de grande in Kinshasa-Gombe began hearings on Monday in the investigation into the death of Delphin Kahimbi, the former head of military intelligence who died in February 2020. At the helm of the tribunal, which was located in an entertainment venue in Makala prison. , the widow of the deceased, the main accused. Goal: to try to dispel the truth from the falsehood between the suicide…

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