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Kenya President Delays School Reopening Amid Rising Death Toll from Floods

Kenyan President William Ruto has delayed the reopening of schools due to ongoing heavy rains and floods that have claimed over 200 lives. During his state of the nation address, President Ruto mentioned the grim forecast from meteorological reports, warning of the potential impact of Cyclone Hidaya on coastal regions in the near future. Floods have ravaged Kenya and other East African nations, forcing over 150,000 individuals into camps for safety. Originally scheduled to open this week, schools will remain closed for an…

Kenyan President Delays School Reopening Amid Rising Flood Deaths: Over 200 Lives Lost

Kenya and other areas in East Africa are facing a serious flooding crisis, with over 150,000 individuals displaced and now residing in various camps scattered throughout the nation. Initially planned to resume classes this week, schools have had their reopening postponed by the education ministry for another week. Many institutions are currently underwater or damaged, creating uncertainty for students as they await new reopening dates. Some of the displaced have sought shelter in schools temporarily while the government…

the reopening of the border with Senegal

After several months of closure, the Conakry-Dakar axis will soon be reopened if we take into account this agreement signed between the two countries at the ECOWAS summit in Accra, Ghana, on 19 June. as reported from Conakry, Moktar BahThe Guinean and Senegalese authorities signed one agreements on military and technical…

reopening of the coastal road between Misrata and

After a two-year closure, the coastal road between eastern and western Libya was opened on Sunday, June 20. Reopened at the front line, about 370 kilometers from the capital Tripoli, in the presence of Prime Minister Abdel Hamid Dbeibah and several of these ministers. The road connects west of Libya, from its border with Tunisia, east to Egypt. An important step towards calming the country.…

the reopening of the trial in sight

It has been eleven years on Tuesday that the CEO of Voix des Sans Voix, Floribert Chebeya Bahizire, and his companion, Fidèle Bazana Edadi, disappeared. They were murdered in the facilities of the police inspection. But this year, this date is also synonymous with hope, as some protagonists have acknowledged. The two men's relatives therefore now want a trial with the real sinners in the accused's box…

The Théodore Monod Museum benefits from the reopening

In Dakar, the Théodore-Monod Museum reopened on May 18 after more than a year of closure linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. The museum has a rich collection of about 9,000 African works of art from about 20 countries. But it suffers from an outdated image, according to its curator. The long closure was therefore an opportunity to reflect on the improvement.…

possible reopening of file archives

She was shot at close range in Paris on March 29, 1988. Dulcie September, an ANC activist, Nelson Mandela's movement, investigated French arms sales to Africa at the time. South, in the midst of apartheid and in violation of the international embargo. The South African regime is suspected of the murder, but French justice…

complications and disappointments regarding the partial reopening of the borders

Nigeria decided on Wednesday, December 16, to partially resume its land borders with its neighbors. Four border posts are affected, on the side of Niger, Benin and Cameroon. The reopening will take place gradually and all trade will resume at all pedestrian crossings by 31 December, with the exception of certain products. The borders had been closed for almost a year and a half. The measure was…

Reopening of Nigeria’s borders: restrictions stay

Nigeria is partially reopening its land borders after virtually a yr and a half of closure. A choice that on the time was supposed to fight smuggling and encourage native Nigerian manufacturing. This reopening is a shocking resolution, because the announcement of the border closure in August 2019 had been introduced. The…

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