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We stay Somalia’s greatest donors, US diplomat says

We stay Somalia's greatest donors, US diplomat says MOGADISHU, Somalia - The United States of America now says it stays Somalia's largest donor of safety, stability and humanitarian help, including that it is decided to push for the democratization of the nation of Horn of Africa. For many years, Somalia has lain in ruins with little progress regardless of large investments from varied…

in France, the blockades remain

How did European countries deal with this issue of restoring African works of art? Who are the ones who will return goods? Those who are still studying the project? The last stop for our tour of Europe in France. In 2017 in Ouagadougou, Emmanuel Macron promised to enable the temporary or permanent restoration of African heritage in Africa within five years. Results three and a half years later: France has presented two works, one in Senegal, the other in Madagascar and is returning 26 others to Benin. One team was voted…

the questions that remain unanswered after the release of the high school students

The authorities and the principal of their school confirm that the 344 high school students in Kankara all returned healthy and sound, after negotiations with their prisoners. This kidnapping was claimed twice by the Boko Haram group, but was carried out by criminal groups in the region. We also know a little more thanks to the testimonies of the children who were reunited with their families on Friday…

Reopening of Nigeria’s borders: restrictions stay

Nigeria is partially reopening its land borders after virtually a yr and a half of closure. A choice that on the time was supposed to fight smuggling and encourage native Nigerian manufacturing. This reopening is a shocking resolution, because the announcement of the border closure in August 2019 had been introduced. The…

20,000 international forces stay in Libya, says UN envoy Williams

Twenty thousand international fighters and mercenaries stay in Libya regardless of a ceasefire and a prolonged arms embargo, the UN envoy to the nation stated Wednesday, calling the scenario a "surprising violation of Libyan sovereignty." Forces loyal to the UN-recognized Nationwide Accord (GNA) authorities primarily based in Tripoli and people of Putchist Common Khalifa Haftar formally agreed to a ceasefire in October. The settlement states that each one army items and armed teams should withdraw from…

Sylvain N’Guessan: “Laurent Gbagbo wants to remain opposition leader”

After nine years of silence, Laurent Gbagbo has come out of his silence. On Thursday, October 29, the former president of Côte d'Ivoire on TV5 Monde called on his successor Alassane Ouattara to negotiate to avoid disaster for the country. What is Laurent Gbagbo's real political ambition today, still living in exile? Sylvain N'Guessan is a political analyst and director of the Abidjan Strategy Institute, he responds to one of our special envoys, Christophe Boisbouvier. .

in Kenya, restrictions are eased, but schools remain closed

Kenya organized a major national conference on Covid-19 on Monday, September 28th. A meeting that the head of state wants to take stock of the situation and learn from the epidemic when the curve flattens (700 dead, 38,168 sick), the number of new cases decreases and as the country opens up. At the end of the debates, President Uhuru Kenyatta spoke to the nation. He announced further easing of restrictions, but he keeps schools closed. Uhuru Kenyatta wants be alert until the end. The positivity rate fell from 13% in June…

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