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UAE Air Raids Target ISIS in Somalia’s Northeastern State, Resulting in Scores of Militant Casualties

BOSASO, Somalia - In a meticulously orchestrated strike on the insurgent stronghold of Northeastern State, the United Arab Emirates conducted airstrikes that claimed the lives of over a dozen militants associated with the Islamic State organization. Reports from local military sources on Sunday confirm the fatalities included key figures of the group. Consider, if you will, the strategic precision required for such an operation. The first airstrike targeted the Xankookib caves near Dhasan. In a scene reminiscent of a movie…

Al-Shabaab raids Mandera, killing three officers in the latest Kenya attack

Al-Shabaab raids Mandera, killing three officers in the latest Kenya attack NAIROBI, Kenya - At least three policemen were killed by al-Shabaab militants on Friday in Mandera, following an IED explosion followed by a gun battle in Banisa, a few kilometers near the border between Kenya and Ethiopia. Police reports show that the special officials specializing in dealing with terrorism ran over an…

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