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Putting Somalia’s priorities in order: Exploring the reasons behind the delay in constitutional reform.

Somalia, a nation marked by political unrest, environmental crises, and governance issues, stands at a critical juncture in its journey towards stability and progress. Amidst discussions on constitutional reform, it is vital to address the urgent need to prioritize the Somali government's agenda. By examining the complexities of political instability, climate change, humanitarian crises, and governance shortcomings, it is crucial that constitutional reform does not overshadow addressing these pressing challenges. Through a…

the function and priorities of the Transitional National Council

In Mali, the Transitional National Council is provoking many protests, but despite this outrageous political sequence, CNT was installed last weekend. The last body for the transition will play the role of National Assembly during this period, which should lead to the organization of general elections. An ad hoc committee is already responsible for preparing the rules of procedure, the work can then begin. Its members are not elected; with this remarkable difference "the CNT will function as a National Assembly, in…

a citizens’ debate on the priorities of the state budget

The text, which was adopted last week by the National Assembly, provoked strong reactions from the opposition and civil society. The latter had condemned "a budget voted in a hurry and contrary to the needs and challenges of the people". Yesterday afternoon, the Rohy movement, which brings together associations across the country, organized a citizens' debate in the capital Antananarivo to better…

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