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Discover 11 Common Foods Infused with Toxic Dyes and Chemicals

The product recommendations in this post are recommendations by the writer and/or expert(s) interviewed and do not contain affiliate links. Meaning: If you use these links to buy something, we will not earn a commission. Manufactured and packaged foods are synonymous with convenience, but this advantage often comes with a price. These same foods are also more likely to contain chemicals and food dyes, some of which may be harmful to your health. Occasionally, enjoying processed foods with some of these ingredients likely…

Unlocking the Health Benefits of Almond Milk: Expert Insights from a Dietitian

Whether in the name of sustainability, health, or food intolerance, you'll likely try plant-based milk alternatives, like almond milk, at one point. While there's an almond milk option tailored to every dietary preference, some are more favorable than others, according to dietitians. And, as a dietitian myself, I would have to agree. For those almond milk consumers who need a bit more guidance on the pros and cons of adding it to your diet, we've got you covered. This article will explore the…

Spalletti Plans Tactical Overhaul Following Missteps in Spanish Defeat

After a letdown against Spain, Italy is itching for redemption. They clash with Croatia on Monday, eyeing a slot in the round of 16. Italy's head honcho Luciano Spalletti confessed he missed the mark during their previous match, but he's set on amending that against Croatia. In their Thursday skirmish, Spain clinched the apex of Group B with a slender 1-0 triumph, courtesy of Riccardo Calafiori's unfortunate own goal at the 55th minute. Despite the tight scoreboard, the Azzurri lagged, notching a mere four attempts at goal.…

UN to Tackle Somalia’s Political Overhaul, Ethiopian Strains, and Emerging Security Challenges

Mogadishu (AX) — On Monday, the United Nations Security Council will put Somalia's political chaos and rising security perils under the microscope with an open briefing followed by discreet consultations. James Swan, the Acting Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, and Mohamed El-Amine Souef, the AU Commission Chairperson’s Special Representative, will helm the meeting. Making his first appearance since reclaiming his duty in May, Swan will lay down an array of updates about Somalia’s political,…

Discover the Benefits of Taking Cold Showers: 5 Compelling Reasons to Start Today

Taking a shower doesn't have to stop at personal hygiene. By simply turning down the temperature, you can reap some pretty stellar health benefits. Sure, it will make for a chilling experience, but once you learn about the benefits of cold showers and believe in their positive effects, you'll be hooked. If ice baths and cold therapy pique your interest, you may have heard Huberman Lab Podcast's episode, "Using Deliberate Cold Exposure for Health and Performance," in which neuroscientist Andrew…

Unlocking Your Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Healthy Weight Gain for the Underweight

For some individuals, it can be just as challenging to gain weight in a healthy and sustainable way as it is for people who are trying to lose it. There are various reasons why you may be looking to gain weight, like if you want to pack on muscle mass when strength training, or perhaps you're underweight. This guide will outline exactly how to gain weight if you're underweight. We're providing you with practical, nutritious strategies to help you achieve your weight-gain goals while ensuring your…

25 Mouthwatering Low-Carb Dishes to Tantalize Your Taste Buds

Going low-carb doesn't have to be boring—as long as you know what to cook. Sure, it can be easy to slip into a monotonous routine of eating plain cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, and lettuce-wrapped sandwiches, but there's so much potential for variety when it comes to cooking up low-carb recipes for your week. People's reasonings for going low-carb will vary depending on their health goals, and it's certainly not a way of eating everyone should try. Some will try to lower their carb intake to…

Dietitian’s Top 10 Protein Powders for Shedding Pounds

This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, we may earn a commission. When it comes to losing weight, the main goal is to create a negative calorie balance. While adding calorie-containing supplements to your diet during weight loss might seem counterintuitive, the best protein powders can be incredibly beneficial. Generally, when losing weight, you don't need to take any type of supplement because you're trying to reduce calories and not add calories to…

Discover the Eight Incredible Health Benefits of Incorporating Brown Rice into Your Diet

Rice is often feared for its carbohydrate content, but as a dietitian, I recommend brown rice as a nutritious staple for those seeking to improve their diet quality. Brown rice is a whole grain, meaning it contains all three parts of the grain: the fiber-containing bran, the nutritious germ, and the carb-rich endosperm. This makes it a valuable addition to a balanced diet, offering essential nutrients and promoting overall health. Whether enjoyed as a side, in a healthy stir-fry, or sushi, brown…

Top 10 Store-Bought Dressings to Enhance Your Weight Loss Journey

This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, we may earn a commission. Finding the right salad dressing can make a world of difference in your weight-loss journey. While salads are often considered a healthy choice, the dressing you pour on top can either add to or subtract from their nutritional value. And with the plethora of options available, it can be challenging to navigate the aisles and select a dressing that not only tastes good but also supports…

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