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In the Mediterranean, Ocean Viking is stuck with

Every summer, migration flows to Europe increase. Sailing conditions are better than in winter and there are more attempts to cross the Mediterranean. But the journey is still very dangerous: the central Mediterranean, between Libya and Europe, is still the deadliest migration route in the world. In the last seven days, Ocean Viking, the SOS Mediterranean ship, has rescued 572 people at sea.…

On the African islands of the Indian Ocean there may be one

Drug trafficking and consumption are rising and diversifying within the Indian Ocean, particularly in Madagascar, the Seychelles and Mauritius. The NGO World Initiative towards Transnational Organized Crime (World Initiative) has researched and revealed a report on drug trafficking and its improvement lately on this a part of the world.…

Somalia rejects experiences of settlement to share maritime oil within the Indian Ocean

Somalia rejects experiences of settlement to share maritime oil in Indian Ocean with Kenya MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia has no plans to share oil revenues with Kenya, Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Gulaid stated after experiences of an alleged settlement between Nairobi and Mogadishu on a controversial maritime border battle within the Indian Ocean on native media in Kenya. The 2 international…

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