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after the homicide of 58 villagers, the Nigerians

On Monday evening, March 15, 58 villagers returning from a massacre were shot by gunmen in Niger. On Wednesday, the head of state, Mahamadou Issoufou, chaired an extraordinary Security Council. The increase of military personnel in Tillabéry and the dispatch of a high-level ministerial mission on the ground have been decided. Emotions run high in the streets of the capital Niamey.…

soon a trial in the case of the murder of Thomas Sankara

The trial in the case of the assassination of President Thomas Sankara in 1987 and his twelve accomplices could begin next year. After several years, the investigating judge in charge of the case in the military court completed his work and issued an order in which the prosecutors and the prosecuted persons in the control chamber are displayed.…

President Ramaphosa calls for calm after the murder of a white farmer

This killing revived racial tensions and triggered incidents last week. On Monday morning, the head of state, Cyril Ramaphosa, warned: "This incident shows how easily the fire of racial hatred can be rekindled." Ten days ago a young white farmer, 22, was murdered. Brendin Horn's body was found tied to a pole on his farm in Senekal, Free State province, 200 kilometers from Johannesburg. In the process, two black men were arrested. They are suspected of killing the farmer and stealing cattle. After the murder, white…

the murder of a young girl revives mobilization on feminicides

Gatherings are scheduled this Thursday in several Algerian cities to condemn feminicides. No official figures exist, but the Facebook account Algeria Feminicides, which monitors this topic, has identified 38 since the beginning of this year. The murder of a young girl, Chaïma, revives mobilization. Chaïma was 19 and was found dead last week at a deserted gas station near Boumerdes east of Algiers. Local media claim she was raped, beaten and then burned to death. According to the prosecutor, a suspect confessed. He is…

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