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Prime Minister Hamed Bakayoko’s death in

Côte d'Ivoire's Prime Minister Hamed Bakayoko died on Wednesday, March 10, at the age of 56 in a German hospital. "Our country is in mourning. I am extremely saddened to announce that Prime Minister Hamed Bakayoko, Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, in Germany on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, was following a cancer, ”Ivorian…

Minister Ismaël Wagué met with the leader of

Colonel Major Ismaël Wagué, Malia's Minister for National Reconciliation, met with the leaders of the Dogon militia Dan Na Ambassagou on Tuesday. A militia, however, accused of several assaults. The meeting took place in Bandiagara at the initiative of the Minister and in the presence of the military leader of this armed group, Youssouf Toloba, who did not hesitate to criticize the action of the…

Fulani – the community received by the Minister for

In Burkina Faso, the leaders of the Fulani community and several community leaders from the eastern region were received by the Minister of National Reconciliation. The delegation came to express its concerns about the security situation in the eastern region and called for an intervention by the reconciliation minister with the security forces on the spot to allow the Fulani community to live in peace…

Former minister says China’s manufacturing remains to be insufficient

Former minister says China's production is still inadequate China is at least 30 years away from becoming a "superpower" manufacturing nation, a former industry minister said on Sunday, despite boasting the world's most complete industrial supply chains. In recent years, China has become the world's leading manufacturing nation, accounting for over a third of global production,…

the High Minister of Bandiagara to restore the native economic system

In Mali, Transitional Minister Moctar Ouane will travel to Bandiagara this Saturday. He is to be accompanied by four ministers on this important journey to the center of the country. Bandiagara is the first city in the Dogon country, the Mopti region, an area where the presence of jihadist groups is more and more marked. Demonstrations also took place in Bandiagara earlier this week to protest…

The Prime Minister condemns the military strangulation of the economy

The Sudanese Prime Minister renews his criticism of the military's importance in the national economy, a persistence that risks pointing out the high-ranking officers who want to retain their benefits, after entering into a historic agreement in August 2019 for a gradual transfer of power to civilians. Abdallah Hamdok is determined to end the throttling of senior military and intelligence officials over…

Kouadio Konan Bertin was appointed Minister of Reconciliation

Alassane Ouattara's opponent in the presidential election in October last year, KKB alias Kouadio Konan Bertin, was appointed reconciliation minister on Tuesday, December 15. A ministry whose creation had been announced the day before by Alassane Ouattara during his oath for a third term as president of Côte d'Ivoire. Announced by Alassane Ouattara during his tar edOn Monday, December 14, the Ministry of National Reconciliation will have seen the light of day the next day. And it was entrusted to KKB, Kouadio Konan…

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