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the High Minister of Bandiagara to restore the native economic system

In Mali, Transitional Minister Moctar Ouane will travel to Bandiagara this Saturday. He is to be accompanied by four ministers on this important journey to the center of the country. Bandiagara is the first city in the Dogon country, the Mopti region, an area where the presence of jihadist groups is more and more marked. Demonstrations also took place in Bandiagara earlier this week to protest…

The Prime Minister condemns the military strangulation of the economy

The Sudanese Prime Minister renews his criticism of the military's importance in the national economy, a persistence that risks pointing out the high-ranking officers who want to retain their benefits, after entering into a historic agreement in August 2019 for a gradual transfer of power to civilians. Abdallah Hamdok is determined to end the throttling of senior military and intelligence officials over…

Kouadio Konan Bertin was appointed Minister of Reconciliation

Alassane Ouattara's opponent in the presidential election in October last year, KKB alias Kouadio Konan Bertin, was appointed reconciliation minister on Tuesday, December 15. A ministry whose creation had been announced the day before by Alassane Ouattara during his oath for a third term as president of Côte d'Ivoire. Announced by Alassane Ouattara during his tar edOn Monday, December 14, the Ministry of National Reconciliation will have seen the light of day the next day. And it was entrusted to KKB, Kouadio Konan…

closure of UN offices where the former prime minister had taken refuge

The UN is closing its offices while the fate of a former prime minister who fled to its premises has still not been resolved. Aristides Gomes fled to the UN Special Bureau in Bissau eight months ago, fearing for his life after President Umaro Sissoco Embalo came to power. On Friday, during a ceremony, the UN Office marks the end of its activities, its mandate ending at the end of the year.…

Ethiopian Prime Minister to Kenya for 2 days official go to

That is Abye Ahmed's first journey for the reason that disaster in Tigray. He arrived on Wednesday within the border city of Moyale, the place his Kenyan counterpart inaugurated a freeway connecting southern Ethiopia to the port of Mombasa in Kenya. A go to of financial curiosity, but additionally political, whereas the battle in Tigray worries the worldwide neighborhood.…

Nicole Mbou becomes new Minister of Economic Affairs

After the departure on Tuesday of Gabon's Economy Minister Jean-Marie Ogandaga, after several economic scandals, things accelerated. The government mixed up a bit on Wednesday. Nicole Mbou was appointed to the post. as reported from Gabon, Yves-Laurent GomaAt 54, Nicole Mbou will be the second woman to hold the post of…

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