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Egypt Attributes Hajj Tragedy to Unauthorized Mecca Pilgrims

Cairo announced plans to prosecute around 16 travel agencies, accusing them of unlawfully taking pilgrims to Mecca. Reports indicate hundreds of deaths during this year's Hajj, predominantly affecting Egyptians. On Saturday, Egypt declared that it would take legal action against 16 travel agencies and revoke their licenses, following the deaths of Egyptians during the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. It's estimated that over 1,000 people died during the pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, with extreme heat being a primary culprit. At…

Saudi Arabia Nabs 14 in Major Mecca Crackdown for Fake Hajj ID Sales

The nab happened in Mecca, snagging folks on visit visas. The coppers snatched up wads of cash, stamps, phones, and computers tangled in some scam. Not long ago, 11 foreigners got pinched for hustling bogus Hajj tours. Plus, fake pilgrimage passes and dodgy Hajj wristbands got seized.Lieutenant General Mohammed Al Bassami, the top dog of Public Security and Hajj Security honcho, spilled the beans on busting 140 sham Hajj gigs and collaring 64 transporters flouting the Hajj code. Saudi's playbook is tough: fines, booting out,…

500 Somali Pilgrims Embark on Spiritual Journey as They Arrive in Mecca for Hajj

The first set of Somali pilgrims has arrived in Mecca, Saudi Arabia for the annual Hajj pilgrimage. Minister Robow confirmed their arrival, signaling the start of the journey for many Somalis. Hajj, a significant event in Islam, draws millions of Muslims to Mecca yearly as part of their religious duties. Minister Robow expressed satisfaction with the planning for this pilgrimage. A group of 500 pilgrims landed in Saudi Arabia with an expected total of 11,000 Somalis making the trip. Northeastern State, however, opted out…

A small pilgrimage to Mecca under duress

This month of Ramadan also marks the period of Umrah, the "little pilgrimage" to Mecca. He was interrupted last year at the same time due to the health crisis. For this recovery, Saudi Arabia has taken drastic restrictive measures. Among other things, the obligation to be vaccinated. In Dakar, pilgrims and tour operators organize.…

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