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negotiations on the lifting of sanctions and the formation of a government

Appointed Prime Minister of Mali on Sunday 27 September, Moctar Ouane has two immediate goals. The first is the formation of a government of national unity with even hope of seeing the participation of representatives of the armed groups involved in the peace process. The second is to achieve, with the support of the interim president, Ba N'Daw, the lifting of the embargo imposed by the West African Economic Community (ECOWAS) on Mali. To lift the embargo against Mali, the phone works a lot these days between Accra and…

The G5, Minusma and the EU are committed to more coordination

The members of the G5 Sahel and Minusma, the UN Stabilization Mission in Mali, will intensify their coordination in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel with the help of the European Union. The commitment was made on Tuesday, September 29, during a trialogue in Nouakchott, Mauritania. At this meeting in the capital of Mauritania, the exchanges concerned, in particular the military equipment of the Joint Force G5 Sahel which is still awaiting the arrival of 24 staff carriers, as promised by the European Union last…

In focus: still no lifting of sanctions in Mali

"Mali is far from restoring trade and diplomatic exchanges with its neighbors, ECOWAS member states, notes the Maliweb information pagedespite the appointment of a retired soldier as president and a civilian at the head of the transitional government. "What is stuck for the subregional organization are the powers given to the transitional president, Colonel Assimi Goïta, leader of the coup leaders on 18 August. In fact, he…

what equation for the formation of the transitional government?

Appointed Prime Minister of Mali on Sunday, Moctar Ouane was received on Monday by the president and the first interim vice-president, and he began consultations with a view to forming a government. Its aim is to put together a team of women and men with different backgrounds, a government with national unity, by also offering positions to armed groups involved in the peace process. Discussions are being held in Kati, near Bamako, and the soon-to-be-disbanded junta, but also in the office of the President of the…

why ECOWAS has not yet lifted its embargo

The president of the transition, Bah N'Daw, his prime minister, the diplomat Moctar Ouane, and the vice president, Colonel Assimi Goïta, met on Monday, September 28, in Bamako to discuss the tasks that await them over the next 18 months. But they must first face a problem: the embargo imposed on Mali by ECOWAS has not yet been lifted despite the appointment of a civilian prime minister. Bamako has not yet officially responded non-lifting of the embargo issued by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).…

until the ECOWAS sanctions are lifted

After several days of negotiations, the new prime minister of the transition was appointed this Sunday. The choice fell on a civilian, the diplomat and the former foreign minister, Moctar Ouane. Following the inauguration of the President and Vice-President, the interim executive is therefore closed, but the economic community of the West African states has still not lifted its sanctions. as reported from Bamako, Serge Daniel Theoretically, the sanctions should already be lifted. But soon 24 hours following the…

In the spotlight: a transitional prime minister appointed in Mali

"It is done, erupts the land in Bamako. The Prime Minister of the transition is known. He is neither from the M5-RFP nor from the former presidential majority. His name is Moctar Ouane, a respected diplomat. (…) Former Foreign Minister, former United Nations Ambassador Moctar Ouane, most recently WAEMU's General Delegate for Peace and Security. He is recognized by many Malians, Le Pays emphasizes, as a great technocrat, honest and respected. " "This appointment follows a tough debate, reveals for its part L'Indépendant,…

Moctar Ouane, a man with consensus “in his place” as prime minister

Moctar Ouane, the new Malian prime minister, now has 48 hours to form his government. This former foreign minister had been driven away from Malian political life in recent years. He was for some time a diplomatic adviser to UEMOA. Within the Malian political class, the appointment of a civilian as prime minister seems to be unanimous. New Malian Prime Minister Moctar Ouane does not come from the local political backwater. It is quite far from the parties, which is an advantage when we want to organize transparent…

Moctar Ouane was appointed Prime Minister of the transition

In Mali, the president of the transition, Bah N'Daw, signed a decree appointing the prime minister. Former Foreign Minister Moctar Ouane has been appointed Prime Minister. With our correspondent in Bamako, Serge Daniel Two days after the inauguration ceremony for interim president Bah N'Daw, Mali knows his civilian prime minister. "Moctar Ouane, appointed Prime Minister", here is the decree signed by president of the Bah N'Daw transition this Sunday, September 27th. Since 2016, it should be noted that the brand new…

hundreds of people march against violence against women

Following the convening of a coalition of NGOs and associations, a white and silent march against violence against women was organized in Bamako, in which several hundred people participated. They demand that Parliament pass a special law against gender-based violence. And this while the so-called "Sidiki Diabaté" affair arouses great emotion in Mali. The former companion of the famous musician accuses…

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