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the installation of the CNT, a victory for the military

The National Transitional Council was installed this weekend in Mali. This is the last part of the transition to be carried out after the military coup on 18 August. The appointments show an undeniable success for the military, although many voices were raised in protest of the composition of this council, introduced by the transitional authorities.…

new hearings of the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission

Mali's Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission organized its second public hearing in one year on Saturday 5 December at the Bamako International Conference Center. For a full day, survivors of massacres, murders, torture and inhuman treatment were interviewed. Full of life, Aicha Wallet Albessaty navigates between the two waiting rooms reserved for the victims. During the first years of independence, in 1963, a Tuareg uprising broke out in the Kidal region. An uprising from the Malian army. Aicha, 9 years old,…

openness and blur

The composition of the Transitional National Council is now known in Mali. The last transitional body, with a legislative function, was eagerly awaited. The Malian authorities published the list of its 121 members on Thursday night. It is a list that plays openness, but which is actually very unclear. It is transparent too…

the 121 members of the National Transitional Council are known

Following the appointment of the head of state of Mali, the appointment of a prime minister and members of his government, the third institution of the transition, the long-awaited National Transitional Council (CNT) was created on Friday. Among the 121 members, names were expected, but also surprises. as reported from…

dialogue with jihadists “ongoing” as a “continuation of military action”

Malia's Prime Minister for the transition, Moctar Ouane, gives an exclusive interview to RFI and France 24. He answers questions from David Baché (RFI) and Marc Perelman (F24) on the militarization of the transition, the establishment of the National Transitional Council, negotiations with terrorist groups, conflicts between the municipalities in the center, accusations of abuse by the Malian army and the…

General Namata, commander of the G5 Sahel Joint Force, defends Barkhane Force

Nigerian General Oumarou Namata, commander of the G5 Sahel Joint Force, was in Paris on Wednesday, December 2. RFI could meet him exclusively. General Namata assures us that the joint force, three years after its creation, has now reached maturity in the fight against armed terrorist groups. If the military presence in the Sahel becomes international with the gradual arrival of the European Takuba…

finally, non-restrictive measures against coronavirus

Finally, we are aware of the measures taken by the authorities to combat the spread of Covid-19. After the speech was announced and then interrupted at the last minute by President Bah N'Daw, Monday night, a senior National Defense Council finally met on Tuesday afternoon at Koulouba Palace. In the end, it's a bit like the mountain that feeds a mouse.…

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