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Savor Summer: 23 Refreshing Watermelon Recipes for Your July 4th Celebration

There's no fruit more synonymous with summer than watermelon. Not only is the red-hued fruit tasty, beautiful, and widely available, but because it is comprised of 90% water, it's a fantastic option if you're trying to lose weight, because it's a sweet and satisfying treat that also keeps you feeling fuller, longer compared to many other snacks. In fact, research from the University of Kentucky suggests that eating watermelon improves lipid profiles and lowers fat accumulation, thanks to the…

EgyptAir to Debut Nonstop Cairo-Mogadishu Flights This July

Somalia's envoy to Egypt and permanent player at the Arab League, Ali Abdi Awaare, jubilantly acknowledged the announcement, underscoring the perks for folks in both nations by simplifying travel and boosting relations.Besides flying to Mogadishu, EgyptAir sets its sights on Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and Djibouti. Abidjan-bound flights take off on July 9, buzzing through the skies thrice a week. The Cairo-Djibouti-Mogadishu journey kicks off on July 11, rolling out biweekly with the trusty Boeing 737-800.Ahmed Moalim Hassan, the…

Masar oo bisha July duulimaadyo toos ah ka bilaabaysa magaalada Muqdisho

 Sabti, Juun, 8, 2024 (AX) - Safiirka Soomaaliya ee Masar ahna Wakiilka Joogtadda ah ee Ururka Jaamacadda Carabta Danjire Ali Abdi Awaare ayaa soo dhaweeyay war saxaafadeed kasoo baxay dowladda Masar oo lagu shaaciyay in bisha soo socota 11-July la bilaabi doono duulimaadyada Soomaaliya.Danjiraha Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay inay tallaabadan tahay mid sare u qaadeysa xiriirka iskaashi iyo wadashaqeyn ee Soomaaliya iyo Masar, isagoo sheegay in fursadaan ay tahay mid ay ka faa’ideysan doonaan shacabka labadda dal.Shirkadda…

The forecast agency predicts that there will be substantial rainfall in the Horn of Africa for the duration of July.

The Horn of Africa is set to have increased rainfall from May to July, with some areas getting wetter than usual, according to the Climate Prediction and Applications Center (ICPAC) of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). The ICPAC forecasts wetter conditions for northern regions, affecting countries like Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Uganda, as well as western and coastal Kenya. Heavy rains in the region have caused flooding resulting in casualties and damages. Kenya has…

Forecast agency predicts severe rain in Horn of Africa until July

In a notable announcement from Nairobi, Kenya, the Climate Prediction and Applications Center (ICPAC) has forecasted heavy rains in the Horn of Africa from May to July. The northern regions of the area are expected to be significantly wetter than usual during this time. Specifically, countries such as Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Uganda, and parts of Kenya will experience the brunt of these unusual weather patterns. The ongoing heavy rains have already caused flooding in the region, resulting in…

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