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IGAD member states strongly urged to enhance the useful resource

IGAD member states strongly urged to increase resource allocation All eight Member States of the Intergovernmental Development Agency are called upon to increase the allocation of resources to disaster risk management. The IGAD 12th Steering Committee and 7th General Assembly, held in Mombasa, were also asked to step up cooperation efforts that will protect people vulnerable to…

Djibouti sends fact-finding group to Somalia-Kenyan border amid stress

Djibouti sends fact-finding team to Somalia-Kenyan border amid tension DJIBOUTI - Djibouti has sent a commission of inquiry to the Kenya-Somalia border to assess the situation following allegations by Mogadishu that the KDF is mobilizing and arming militias to attack the SNA in the Gedo region. Djibouti Foreign Minister Mahmud Ali Yusuf told reporters that the team included diplomats and senior military…

“We have been confused into discussion with Kenya,” Somalia FM stated

MOGADISHU, Somalia - AU and the intergovernmental authority for building may additionally have confused Somalia to hang a discussion with Kenya on diplomatic spitting, Mogadishu has prompt, an afternoon after a summit in Djibouti that desirous about the duel between the 2 international locations. Tensions have constructed up alongside the border between Kenya and Somalia in Mandera and the encircling places close to Gedo with Somalia, which is expounded to have uncovered extra infantrymen to "give protection to our…

IGAD oo guddi u diraysa Balad Xaawo & Mandheera

Urur goboleedka IGAD ayaa diyaarinaya guddi khubaro milateri ah oo soo qiimeeya dhibaatada ka dhex taagan Soomaaliya iyo Kenya oo qeyb ka ah kiiska. Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay in Kenya ay abaabuleyso xoogaga Jabhad ay kahor geyso Ciidamada DFS ee jooga Magaalada Balad Xaawo & Deegaannada kale ku dhaw oo saldhigyo ay ku leeyihiin.. Hogaamiyaha Soomaaliya Maxamed C / llaahi Farmaajo iyo Hogaamiyaha Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta ayaa u fariistay inay ka wada hadlaan arrimaha la isku hayo, oo qaarkood dowladda ay ka gaabsatay…

Bayaanka IGAD lama sheegin

Hogaamiyaasha urur goboleedka IGAD ayaa soo saaray bayaan ay ku soo koobayaan waxyaabihii ay ka wada hadleen kulan ay shalay ku yeesheen magaalada Jabuuti. Kulankan wuxuu ahaa qodobo aan caadi aheyn oo looga hadlay waxaa kamid ah arimaha xubnaha ururada qaranka sida Suudaan, Koonfurta Suudaan, Itoobiya, Soomaaliya iyo faafa aduunka oo diirada lagu saaray. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, bayaanka laguma sheegin meel ay saraakiishu sheegeen khilaaf diblomaasiyadeed oo u dhexeeya…

A unprecedented Igad summit to debate tensions within the Horn of Africa

Forward of a very turbulent finish of the yr within the Horn of Africa, the Igad Regional Authority held a unprecedented assembly on Sunday in Djibouti, within the presence of the President of the African Union Fee, to debate safety challenges to return up. Tensions had been excessive between the leaders of East Africa, particularly the Ethiopian and Sudanese leaders, whose forces had been colliding for a number of days on the border. "The Horn of Africa is in a particular state of affairs in the present day, it's…

Somalia accuses Kenya of planning an “assault” on its land amid tensions

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Somali authorities on Saturday accused Kenya of hosting a militia. illegally arming and equipping them in Mandera with the intention of destabilizing the nation. The nation's info ministry has stated that FGS obtained info indicating that Kenya is planning an assault on the border city of Beled-Hawo within the Gedo area, focusing on Somali military bases. Somalia warned Kenya towards aggression and unlawful acts at its border that would undermine stability within the already fragile Horn of…

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