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To the historian A. Dingammadji: “Hissène Habré was on

He ruled Chad from 1982 to 1990, but it was in Senegal that Hissène Habré died yesterday, Tuesday, August 24, at the age of 79. He was serving a life sentence there, after being convicted of crimes against humanity in 2016 by the extraordinary African chambers. Our guest this morning is the Chadian historian Arnaud Dingammadji, who was also an expert on the Extraordinary African Chambers (CAE), during…

death of the eminent historian Iba Der Thiam

The famous Senegalese intellectual Iba Der Thiam died on Saturday 31 October evening at the main hospital in Dakar at the age of 83 years. Associate professor of history, trade unionist, parliamentarian and politician, he left his mark on Senegal and Africa through his writings and his contribution to the country's democratic life. President Macky Sall sent his condolences to this "world-famous…

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