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Resilient Somali Fishermen Rescued in the Maldives After a Harrowing Three-Month Ordeal at Sea

Mogadishu (AX) - On Saturday, three Somali fishermen who had drifted at sea for over three months were discovered in the Maldives. The Maldivian police revealed they were located by the nation's coast guard and are now safe. Efforts between Somali and Maldivian authorities are underway to ensure their swift reunion with their kin in Mogadishu. These fishermen vanished while casting nets off the shores of the Indian Ocean, close to Mogadishu. Authorities suspect erratic weather might have caused these skilled artisans to lose…

Sally Hayden Chronicles the Harrowing Journey of Displaced Families

June 20 is known as World Refugee Day, focusing on showing support for refugees. Sally Hayden, an acclaimed journalist and the writer of "My Fourth Time, We Drowned: Seeking Refuge on the World’s Deadliest Migration Route", sheds light on the harsh reality of refugees attempting to traverse the Mediterranean. In Libya, these individuals confront various violations of their human rights while detained.

Surviving the Drought: A Family’s Desperate Journey for Food in Somalia’s Crisis

In Somalia, climate change's harsh reality is a daily struggle. Once lush lands are now desolate, leaving families desperate for clean water. Drought devastates communities, displacing nearly 3 million people into IDP camps. Fatima and her family suffer extreme consequences due to drought. “Our farmlands are withering,” Fatima mourns about Balcad, her former farming village in southern Somalia, now decimated by drought. The failure of crops and the loss of livestock are now common. “We've lost everything,” Fatima laments,…

Rescued: Bangladesh Ship Crew Welcomed Home After Harrowing Encounter with Somali Pirates

A crew member from the MV Abdullah ship reunited with his mother at Chattogram Port after being set free by Somali pirates. Twenty-three Bangladeshi cargo ship crew members returned home to an emotional welcome from their families after spending weeks in captivity. The MV Abdullah, carrying over 55,000 tonnes of coal from Mozambique to the UAE, was captured by pirates about 550 nautical miles off the Somali coast in March. This incident occurred during a period of increased pirate activity, prompting international naval…

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