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External Relations

Escalating Risks of Violent Extremism in Uganda – A Comprehensive Report

Recently, stakeholders in Uganda convened to examine a thought-provoking report that sheds light on the rising menace of extremism in the nation. This Rapid Threat Assessment, conducted in partnership with various international organizations, pinpoints emerging trends and identifies communities that are particularly vulnerable. It serves as a stark reminder that “economic progress cannot thrive in an environment of instability.” In the midst of these discussions, Susan Namondo, the UN Resident Coordinator, emphasized that…

U.S. to Expand Lobito Corridor Railway Project into Tanzania

The U.S. government is gearing up to embark on a significant railway initiative that extends from Angola to the Indian Ocean, passing through Tanzania. This ambitious venture, known as the Lobito Corridor, aims to create vital connections among various African nations, facilitating access to global markets while “bolstering regional trade and stimulating economic advancement.” On her latest visit to the area, Helaina Matza, the U.S. acting Special Coordinator for Partnership on Global Infrastructure and Investment, focused…

UN Chief Sounds Alarm on the Dangers of Unregulated AI to Democracy

In commemoration of International Day of Democracy, UN Secretary-General António Guterres delivered an insightful message highlighting the critical need to safeguard free expression. He also raised an alarm about the lurking dangers posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Guterres cautioned that if left unchecked, AI could wreak havoc on democratic frameworks, primarily by disseminating misleading information and inciting animosity among different groups. He pointed out that this year, the stakes are particularly high, as…

Liberian Government Turns to Weah for Support in Pursuit of UN Membership

Foreign Minister Sara Beysolow has reached out, seeking the support of ex-President George M. Weah in the pursuit of a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. In a formal letter, Beysolow emphasized Weah's noteworthy "global standing as a peace ambassador" and highlighted the solid groundwork his administration laid on this matter, deeming it "essential for our campaign." The initiative is poised to garner backing from other influential figures in Liberia, including former President Ellen Johnson…

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