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Families Escaping Shabelle Conflict Struggle with Famine in Mogadishu Refugee Camps

(ERGO) – Halima Hassan Ali, alongside her husband, faces the Herculean task of securing even a single meal a day for their three kids. They're among countless families displaced by relentless skirmishes in the Lower and Middle Shabelle regions. On August 20, Halima, who’s 39, and her family found refuge in Gurbaan camp located in Mogadishu’s Kahda district, hoping to escape the chaos. Sadly, they now confront a reality devoid of nourishment and proper shelter. "We’re absolutely destitute! Neighbors have been feeding us the…

Eritrean-trained soldier dies in Somalia after ‘escaping’ Asmara

AXADLE, Northeastern State - A young soldier allegedly trained in Eritrea was killed in the town of Afgoye, 30 km northwest of Mogadishu, a few weeks after escaping from Eritrea, where he had been "smuggled" for a training by the Somali authorities. Abdulmalik Abdullahi Haji, in his twenties, succumbed to injuries sustained from a knife attack, sources said, following a minor argument with a friend in town. He has since been buried. Abdulmalik was among thousands of Somali boys lured into bogus jobs in Doha, but sent…

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