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Embark on San Luis Obispo’s Top 7 Active and Relaxing Wellness Escapes

If you're looking for the ideal outdoor fitness and wellness escape, pack your workout gear and head to San Luis Obispo (often referred to as SLO), California. Nestled amongst lush mountains, this hidden gem offers easy access to forests, vineyards, trails, and nearby beaches. SLO sets the perfect backdrop for those who love hiking, biking, yoga, water sports, and everything outdoors. San Luis Obispo is located midway between Los Angeles and San Francisco on California's Central Coast. Known for…

Startling Footage: Gunshots Recorded as Victim Escapes University of Minnesota Campus

In a recent video from Dinkytown near the University of Minnesota, a violent shooting incident took place after midnight on May 6. The footage, possibly filmed by one of the attackers, shows a young man being harassed by a group of teenagers before shots are fired. Around twelve gunshots can be heard as the victim runs into a nearby house and the suspects flee. This incident adds to a concerning rise in violent crimes in the Dinkytown area, including recent robberies. The Minneapolis Police Department has not yet…

the elephant Hamed escapes again and causes havoc

Hamed is the name of an elephant that has been talked about in Ivory Coast for five years. According to the authorities, he moves from village to village and destroys plantations, huts, motorcycles and cars. Although he moved to a private reserve, N'zi River Lodge Park, in September last year, the pachyderm continues to cause damage.…

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