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Ethiopian Prime Minister arrives in Eritrea for a two-day go to

Ethiopian Prime Minister arrives in Eritrea for a two-day visit The Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Dr. Abiy Ahmed arrives in Asmara in the afternoon today for a two-day working visit to the country. Upon arrival at Asmara International Airport, Dr. Abiy Ahmed received a warm welcome by President Isaiah Afwerki. The two leaders will discuss bilateral…

Somali authorities recruiting former Al-Shabaab fighters

MOGADISHU, Somalia - The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) has renewed the recruitment of members who jumped from the terrorist group Al-Shabaab to bring them into the country's security and military forces. Abdisalam Guled, who served as deputy head of the Somali intelligence service NISA, said Al-Shabaab had infiltrated the bodies of the Somali security agencies under the attention of the international community. "A new Al-Shabaab egg is hatched every day in the security forces," said Guled, who recently brought…

In Ethiopia rape as a weapon of conflict in

Hundreds of rape cases have been reported throughout Tigray since the beginning of the conflict - which has now been going on for four months. Hospitals have received many cases of abortions or serious injuries as a result of these rapes. The victims suffer from psychological trauma. Possible war crimes, but so far no independent investigative body has gained access to the region.…

In Ethiopia, Tigray within the midst of a humanitarian disaster

After more than four months of fighting in the Tigray region, the government assures us that more than 3 million people - half the population - have been able to benefit from humanitarian aid. But the situation remains extremely uncertain with hundreds of thousands of displaced people arriving in the cities. Humanitarian organizations are struggling to gain access to rural areas, where thousands of people are still trapped in the ongoing struggle. A report by Maria Gerth-Niculescu. They sometimes went for several…

“Atrocities dedicated” within the Tigray battle,

Troops from the Eritrean neighborhood entered the northern Tigray region during the conflict that took place five months earlier, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed acknowledged for the first time on Tuesday since military operations began against the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). Abiy said Eritrean troops had entered the border because they were worried they would be attacked by Tigrayan forces, adding that the Eritreans had promised to leave when the Ethiopian military could control the border. The…

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed admits that Eritrean forces are

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed admits Eritrean forces are in Tigray Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed admitted on Tuesday that troops from neighboring Eritrea were present in the conflict-ridden Tigray region and suggested they may have been involved in the abuse of civilians. The shooting comes after months of denials from Addis Ababa and Asmara, and accusations from rights…

Common Abraha Kassa, President of the Armed Forces

On Monday, the European Union took the first sanctions against several senior foreign officials accused of violating human rights in a particularly serious way. Eritrea is particularly concerned about Africa. The target of European sanctions is General Abraha Kassa, the head of the regime's security apparatus led by President Issayas Afewerki. Portrait.…

Eritrean troops killed hundreds of Ethiopians in

Eritrean soldiers fighting across the border in Ethiopia's northern Tigray region killed hundreds of people in a massacre last year in a likely crime against humanity, Amnesty International said on Friday. The rights guard spoke to survivors of the atrocities and used satellite images to bring together the bloody events of November last year in the ancient city of Axum in a new report. "The evidence is convincing and points to an incredible conclusion. Ethiopian and Eritrean troops committed several…

the testimony of newcomers from Tigray on the Sudanese border

Communication has been re-established in the capital Tigray, Mekele and several other cities in the region. But many areas are still cut off from the world, international organizations worry. The visit of Sudan's Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok this Sunday in Addis Ababa was canceled without explanation. Mediation unnecessary for the Ethiopian government, which claims that the events in Tigray are an…

The Eritrean’s involvement in the conflict in Tigray is confirmed

More than a month after the outbreak of conflict in Tigray province on November 4, we now know a little more about the role played by the neighborhood of Eritrea. Several sources confirm the Eritrean army's active participation in the fighting against the TPLF, the dissident party that ruled Eritrea, despite the denials of the two capitals.…

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