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To save rhinos, World Bank

The World Bank wants to hire financial markets to save the black rhinos in South Africa. With "nature bonds", the organization plans to issue bonds with the simple principle: investors only make money if the black rhino in South Africa increases. What happens if investors play a role in rescuing black rhinos? The idea came…

Life in Senegal’s chemically polluted Petit Mbao

Petit Mbao was known for having one of the most beautiful white sand beaches in Senegal. Since the 1960s, industrial plants have moved in, including Senegal's largest chemical plant. Many people in Petit Mbao have for years complained about the smell of the plant and the chemical in the air that burns their eyes and affects breathing. Children, livestock and fishermen have been known to…

Lots of of stranded fish and dolphins

Lots of fish as well as dead dolphins have been reported in recent days off the Ghanaian coast. An investigation is underway to determine the causes of this accident, unparalleled in this English-speaking West African country. A team of experts from the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture went to the website. The locations of fish and dolphins, in the hundreds, stretched for miles of coastline. Richmond Kennedy Quarcoo has never seen so many. Co-founder of the local NGO Plastic Punch, which aims to combat plastic…

Demonstration in opposition to unlawful import to

Demonstration in Tunisia to ask Italy to take back its waste. An environmental scandal against a background of corruption shakes the country. A total of 282 containers of Italian household waste were imported illegally last year. Senior customs officials were fired, as was the Minister of the Environment, imprisoned since the end of 2020. And despite legal proceedings, the 7,800 tonnes of rubbish bins…

the closure of probably the most greatest mines

One of the largest underground uranium mines in the world is closing its doors. Akouta Mining Company (Cominak), a subsidiary of Orano Cycle (French multinational, formerly Areva), which has been using uranium deposits in the province of Agadez in northern Niger since 1978, will stop production on Wednesday 31 March. A closure carried out under unsatisfactory conditions for non-governmental organizations which, in addition to the social…

an exhibition on the work of small-scale fishermen

In Antananarivo, in the middle of the Photo Museum's gardens, is an exhibition run by NGO Blue Ventures dedicated to traditional fishermen. The opportunity to make the inhabitants of the highlands aware of the role of these essential actors in the conservation of marine resources. In view of the lack of marine resources, small Malagasy fishermen have been organized for the last fifteen years to manage…

African forest elephant categorised as “endangered

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) will publish its new red list of endangered animals on Thursday, March 25. It has 37,480 endangered species against 35,765 in December 2020. And African forest elephants now fall into the category of "critically endangered" and "endangered" for savannah elephants. Forest elephants today occupy only a quarter of their original territory.…

In opposition to the democratization of natural farming in Madagascar?

About 70,000 producers have joined the organic sector, when they were just under 4,000 in 2009. The organic agricultural sector is therefore flourishing, but production is primarily intended for export. Locals still consume little of this type of product due to excessive costs. To facilitate the development of the sector, the country adopted in July 2020 a law on organic farming and a national strategy that is almost unique in its kind on the continent. .

DRC: air pollution in Somika district of Lubumbashi

In Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), hundreds of residents of the attached municipality on the outskirts of the city condemn the mining activities of the mining company Katanga Somika. In 2005, the same company had already been accused by several NGOs of contaminating the water table in Kimilolo, where a station from the drinking water distribution company is installed.…

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