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The start of the election campaign for general elections 27/12

The election campaigns for the presidential and legislative elections on December 27 are open in Niger. Thirty candidates are vying for the chairmanship and 359 for the 171 deputies. At the end of these elections, a democratically elected president will lead the torch to another civilian candidate, a first in Niger. with our…

An incomparable designer of election transparency

In the essential openness that a credible choice requires, the role of the media in Africa may be more important than one imagines. Andréane Meslard: Despite the reservations they expressed about the organization of the presidential election on November 22, Burkinabè's opponents graciously accepted the results. Even better,…

RHDP is getting ready for the legislative election

In Côte d'Ivoire, while the political dialogue, which began with the Ouattara-Bédié meeting, seems to have marked time, the ruling party is already looking at the legislative election. The latter, originally scheduled for December, should be postponed for several months to take place during the first quarter, Alassane Ouattara said two weeks ago. This Monday, November 30, Abidjan, the director of the…

contrasting reactions after the consultation ahead of the presidential election

Political actors and civil society met on 25-27 November in Madingou, southern Congo, to calm the climate ahead of the 2021 presidential election. They agreed, among other things, to maintain the use of the single vote and to carry out a revision of the electoral rolls. If these results seem to satisfy the government, the opposition believes that they have more or less been introduced.…

the election of the President of the FEC was canceled

The Prime Minister annulled the election of the President of the Federation of Congolese Companies (FEC). The decision was made on Friday 27 November. The day before, Albert Yuma had been re-elected head of the main employers' organization. However, one of the candidates for this post considered the procedure to be irregular and the Prime Minister agreed with him.…

The Constitutional Court rejects the candidacies of armed groups in the legislative election

The Constitutional Court issued its decision on Friday, November 27, on the admissibility of candidacies for the by-elections on December 27, which will be linked to the presidential election. The Court has listed the names of the 1585 alternate candidates for the 140 seats in the Central African National Assembly. The President of the Court, Danielle Darlan, in particular closed the door to candidates…

In Madingou, politicians agree on the presidential election

The majority party, opposition and representatives of the former rebel leader Pastor Ntoumi have met since Wednesday 25 November in Madingou to prepare for the presidential election in 2021. The vote is scheduled for March. More than a hundred political actors and members of civil society are present at these meetings. What can be expected from these political consultations if the first stated goal is…

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