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Somalia and North Western State of Somalia Deny Plans to Resettle Gaza Palestinians

In a world where political landscapes shift like desert sands, communication remains the linchpin of understanding. Picture this: a proposal emerges, suggesting the resettlement of Palestinians from Gaza to various regions, including Somalia and North Western State of Somalia. Yet echoing through the corridors of power, both nations' foreign ministers stand firmly in unity, as of Friday. No such proposition had landed on their doorsteps from the United States or Israel, with a clear denunciation already emanated from…

authorities deny famine in Tigray

The head of the UN Humanitarian Office believes that we can talk about famine in the Tigray region. The region is experiencing record levels of malnutrition, seven months after the start of the civil war between the Ethiopian government and Tigrayan rebels. The numbers are truly catastrophic, but Addis Ababa absolutely refuses to use the word famine, which could obviously increase pressure on the…

at trial, French soldiers deny having had

At the trial of the bombing of the French military camp Bouaké, which left ten dead on November 6, 2004, the court heard this Friday from General Destremau, former commander of the joint battle group Bouaké, and Captain Bellamy, division chief. based in Yamoussoukro. When asked why the Sukhoi pilots were not arrested when they…

“I do not deny the outstretched hand (by Blaise Compaoré)”

For the first time since his election in 2015, the President of Burkina, interviewed by RFI and France 24 in Ouagadougou, is seriously considering the possible return to the country of Blaise Compaoré, the former head of state who has been living in exile in Côte d'Ivoire since 2014. He even puts deadline. If re-elected on November 22, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré announces that a reconciliation process will allow this return in the first half of 2021. In this interview with RFI and France 24 on 15 October 2020, President…

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