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Northwest Nigeria hit by news

In Nigeria, the attack launched on Thursday by a horde of cattle thieves against several villages in the state of Kebbi, in the northwestern part of the country, has been revised upwards: it went from 66 to 88 dead. as reported from Lagos, Liza FabbianEight villages in the Danko Wasagu district were attacked on Thursday by men…

Darfur’s crime on the judges’ desk

On Monday, May 24, in The Hague, the confirmation of the allegations in the case of the ICC and Muhamad Abd Al Rahman, alias Ali Kushayb, a former leader of the Janjaweed militia, will open. Accused of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in Darfur in 2003 and 2004. as reported from The Hague, Stephanie…

how slavery was acknowledged as a criminal offense towards

The Taubira Act turns twenty on Monday, Could 10, 2021. It was distinctive on the time of its adoption in 2001 and is the primary to acknowledge slavery and human trafficking as a criminal offense towards humanity. Its publication upset France's reminiscence coverage and extra: the UN additionally acknowledged slavery as a criminal offense towards humanity in 2001, adopted by the European Parliament in 2020. Backstage and on the mobilization…

The wave of pupil kidnappings impacts every thing

In Nigeria, kidnappings are on the rise. A number of universities are actually taking measures to make sure the security of their college students, scale back working hours or shut dormitories. Whereas about 30 college students had been launched on Wednesday, Could 5, within the state of Kaduna, others are nonetheless prisoners.…

where is justice for Kasai crime?

Civil society and the victims are growing impatient almost four years after the Kamuina Nsapu crisis. The assassination of this customary head of Kasai Central had provoked uprisings in five provinces and bloody repression. Of several hundred crimes, 16 priority cases have been identified since the end of 2017, which justice had promised to investigate. Only three have since been suspended and sent to…

the financial controller is interested in

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Financial Controller is interested in the disappearance of millions of dollars that would have been used to finance the creation of a company that would belong to relatives of the former President of the Republic, Joseph Kabila. Jules Alingeti wants to understand how the private company called Egal SARL saw its accounts get several million dollars originally…

Mali: In Timbuktu, sufferers of crime have been dedicated

In Mali, the Transitional Authority and the International Criminal Court on Tuesday, March 30, organized a symbolic indemnity ceremony in the case of the Timbuktu mausoleums, following the ICC's 2016 conviction of Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, by Ansar Dine, who had ordered the destruction of the Timbuktu mausoleums. But thousands of victims are still waiting for justice, testifying to their experiences before…

Zimbabwe’s COVID-19 response countered by crime,

Zimbabwe's anti-product police unit, set up in 2018, has recovered about 40 boxes of thousands of dollars worth of COVID-19 test packages stolen from a hospital in the country's second largest city, Bulawayo. The test, a donation from UNICEF, had been stored in a building opposite the central bank in the capital Harare, intended for the black market. It was one of the latest cases of pandemic-related transplantation that took place a year after the corona virus appeared in the country. Zimbabwe…

the army is attached to the report for crimes against humanity

A report released to members of the UN Security Council, which leaked to the press, "International Commission of Inquiry for Mali", made up of independent international experts, accuses armed terrorist groups and the Dan militia. Na Amssagou on crimes against humanity. All parties to the conflict, including the armed groups that have signed the peace agreements, but also and especially the Malian army,…

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