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Prime Minister Roble skips Somali and Turkish celebrations amid allegations with Farmaajo

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, who is also the coordinator of government functions, skipped dinner for outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo on Thursday evening tomark the 10th anniversary of Somali-Turkish cooperation. It was activated in 2011 when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan first visited Somalia as PrimeMinister. Since then, Ankara and Mogadishu have beencelebrating the day to strengthen their relationship. Relations with Farmaajo While the country prepares to hold general…

in Tigray, an Orthodox Easter between celebrations,

This Sunday in Ethiopia we celebrated Dagmay Tensae, a form of second Easter for the Orthodox within the nation. In Tigray, within the north, when the struggle has continued since November, believers have tried to respect custom, however discover it troublesome to rejoice in such a context. With our particular correspondent in…

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