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the case that highlights the situation for the entire Nionos circle

Incidents and unrest in the Niono circle, in central Mali, are in this area where the village of Farabougou is located, surrounded since the beginning of October by jihadist terrorists. But if this place has become very politicized and published, it is not the only place affected by the violence: the grip of jihadist fighters extends across the circle and has revived tensions between communities. Farabougou, it is the tree that shows the forest. Recent events so far: villagers prevented from going to their fields in Goma…

an arrest in the case of the Central Bank of Congo

The head of the crushing room at the Central Bank of Congo in Lubumbashia was arrested on Friday, November 20, for embezzling public funds. But according to NGO Justicia Asbl, a dozen other agents should be investigated for theft in 2019 of bags of used Congolese banknotes that are normally intended to be perforated and then crushed.…

Samuel Wazizi’s demise in Cameroon, a symbolic case

In reminiscence of our two colleagues from RFI, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, assassinated on November 2, 2013 in Mali, the UN has set November 2 because the Worldwide Day to Finish Impunity for Crimes Towards Journalists. A theme that's present in a rustic like Cameroon, the place this 12 months was marked by the announcement in June final 12 months of the demise of journalist Samuel Wazizi.…

soon a trial in the case of the murder of Thomas Sankara

The trial in the case of the assassination of President Thomas Sankara in 1987 and his twelve accomplices could begin next year. After several years, the investigating judge in charge of the case in the military court completed his work and issued an order in which the prosecutors and the prosecuted persons in the control chamber are displayed.…

Two were found guilty, one acquitted in Kenya Westgate attack case

In tonigh's version: A Kenyan court finds two men guilty of aiding al Shabaab in Westgate mall attacks. 67 people were killed in the 2013 violence. And once the world's leader in phosphates, Tunisia is now importing the product. We bring you a report on the impact of both covid 19 and social movements on the country's phosphate industry. And Madagascar's tourism sector continues to suffer from the…

two defendants convicted in the Westgate attack case in 2013

Two defendants were convicted during the trial of the attack on the Westgate shopping center in Nairobi, Kenya, in September 2013. The third was acquitted. From our correspondent in Nairobi Seven years as a family awaited this judgment. After five suspensions and more than three hours of reading, Judge Francis Andayi finally declared two of the three guilty suspects of "conspiracy", "support" or even "possession of objects linked to an act of terrorism". The first, Mohamed Ahmed Abdi, taught Islam in Nairobi.…

The Guillaume Soro case was sent to the prosecutor for trial

The Guillaume Soro case, in which he is accused of trying to undermine state authority, will be sent to the Attorney General for trial. From our correspondent in Abidjan The former president of the National Assembly in exile in France for nine months is the subject of an arrest warrant for conspiracy and attempted attack on state authority. Prosecutor Richard Adou announced Tuesday, Oct. 6, that the case Guillaume Soro and about 20 of his relatives will be referred to the Attorney General for trial in the criminal…

the Electoral Commission received the case files with 23 candidates

In Burkina Faso, the submission of candidacies for the presidential election on November 22 has been closed since yesterday Friday at midnight. The Independent National Electoral Commission received 23 cases. Among the graduates are three women and several independent. On October 10, Ceni will announce the official list of candidates for the presidential election. with our correspondent in Ouagadougou On the receipt list of files, we find the heavyweights from politics in Burkina Faso such as Roch Marc Christian…

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