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Cardinal Tumi was released, according to several sources

In Cameroon, Cardinal Christian Tumi has been released, according to several sources. Archbishop Emeritus of Douala was abducted on Thursday around noon. 18 in the English-speaking northwest of the country on the road between Bamenda and Koumbo. If Monsignor Tumi was released, the ten people who were kidnapped at the same time as him near Kumbo are still in the hands of the kidnappers.…

Cardinal Tumi kidnapped in the northwest

Cardinal Christian Tumi was kidnapped this afternoon by a group of armed men on the road between Bamenda and Kumbo. The Cardinal and Fon, the king of Kumbo, were captured in Baba by a certain general of the Ambazonians, his nom de guerre is Chaomao. I called the son of the King of Kumbo, who also confirmed to me that it is Chaomao, a former priest, because he complained that the cardinal was urging the children to go to school. Because for them, if school starts, it is a sign of normalization.…

the 11 teachers released, last tribute to the school children killed

In Cameroon, teachers from the Presbyterian school kidnapped in Kumbo were released on Thursday, November 5, at noon, according to the office of the governor of the English-speaking northwestern region. A release coming as the funeral of the murdered children at their school in Kumba on October 14 took place in the morning in the English-speaking southwestern area.…

Assaults on colleges are growing within the English areas of Cameroon

Following the capturing that killed eight college students within the city of Kumba ten days in the past, 4 extra assaults occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday with out casualties. On Wednesday night time, November 4, the federal government condemned these "disagreeable and cowardly" actions aimed toward "deterring mother and father from sending their youngsters to high school and creating psychosis inside…

at least six teachers kidnapped in Kumbo

At least six teachers were abducted on the morning of Tuesday, November 3, from a Presbyterian school in Kumbo in the English-speaking northwestern region. According to confirmatory sources affiliated with the RFI, the unidentified attackers were heavily armed. According to testimony from the teachers' associations, it was…

Samuel Wazizi’s demise in Cameroon, a symbolic case

In reminiscence of our two colleagues from RFI, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, assassinated on November 2, 2013 in Mali, the UN has set November 2 because the Worldwide Day to Finish Impunity for Crimes Towards Journalists. A theme that's present in a rustic like Cameroon, the place this 12 months was marked by the announcement in June final 12 months of the demise of journalist Samuel Wazizi.…

President Biya criticized for his late reaction

The Cameroonian president finally expressed his condolences via Twitter to the victims of the massacre on Saturday, October 24, which took place at a school in Kumba, in the English-speaking southwest, in which seven students aged 9 to 12 were killed. as reported from Yaoundé,Polycarp EssombaHis silence was more than shrunk. It…

Cameroon blames separatists for the school massacre of children

In tonight's edition: The Cameroonian government blames the separatists for the killing of at least seven schoolchildren in its restive English region. The attack has been described as an "act of terrorism of unbearable cruelty and barbarism". And Tanzanians go to the polls Wednesday in an election that is to be a test of President John Magufuli's authoritarian style. And finally, with a few days left…

several children killed in the attack on a school

At least six students aged 9 to 12 were killed and several others injured in a massacre committed at a school in Kumba, in the English-speaking region of the southwestern area on Saturday, October 24, according to the report, which was communicated in the evening. by the Cameroonian Prime Minister. It was a school day like any…

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