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Algeria ends with a 5-0 towards Botswana

The Algerian team, already qualified, finished the qualifier for the African Cup of Nations (CAN 2021) on March 29, 2021 in Blida with a 5-0 victory over Botswana. Also in Group H, Zambia won 2-0 on Zimbabwe's ground which is already sure to play CAN 2021 in Cameroon. The Algerian team ended quietly who qualifies for the…

investigation opened after 55 white vultures died

An investigation was opened after the discovery of several dozen vultures. An endangered species. They were discovered in the northeastern part of the country last week and were reportedly poisoned. This is not the first time that a mass grave has been discovered. The 55 carcasses of white backs were found on October 22 in…

Botswana likely detects behind mass-elephant deaths

Toxins in water produced by cyanobacteria killed more than 300 elephants in Botswana this year, officials said Monday, announcing the outcome of an investigation into the deaths that had confused and alerted conservationists. Cyanobacteria are microscopic organisms that are common in water and are sometimes found in soil. Not everyone produces toxins, but scientists say that toxins occur more often as climate change drives global temperatures. Cyril Taolo, deputy director of the Department of Wildlife and National…

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