investigation opened after 55 white vultures died

An investigation was opened after the discovery of several dozen vultures. An endangered species. They were discovered in the northeastern part of the country last week and were reportedly poisoned. This is not the first time that a mass grave has been discovered.

The 55 carcasses of white backs were found on October 22 in the Makgadikgadi region. And according to the leader of wild animals in Botswana, these birds, also known as African vultures, probably died of poisoning. The preferred trace is poisoning due to improper use of agrochemicals.

This is not the first time that the authorities in Botswana have made this kind of discovery. 537 carcasses of various species of vultures were found in June 2019. It was in a reserve in the northern part of the country. The birds are said to have devoured the bodies of three elephants removed from their tusks.

This is a common method used by poachers. After killing an animal, they spread poison on the body. Purpose: to remove the vortex of the vortex and thereby limit the risk of alerting the authorities.

The white back is on the list of critically endangered birds compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. In Africa, humans are responsible for 90% of bird deaths of this species.


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