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board members condemn the appointment of governors

Four unions of community workers and the territorial administration held a general assembly this Saturday, November 28, in Bamako. They had already been on indefinite strike for over a month and a half. During the meeting, they decided to continue this strike to demand improvement of their living and working conditions. Union judges also condemned the recent massive appointments of soldiers at the head of administrative regions. For the platform of the four unions for workers in the territorial administrative…

massive appointment of soldiers at the head of the region

Following the new regional division, the number of Malian regions will increase from 15 to 20. At that time, 13 soldiers close to Assimi Goïta, the vice president in charge of defense and security issues and junta strongman, were appointed instead of civilians to govern most regions. as reported from Bamako, Serge DanielUntil…

agreement arises for the appointment of the new UN envoy

After more than eight months of fragmentation within the UN Security Council, it is finally the Bulgarian Nickolay Mladenov, the current UN envoy for the Middle East, who is being called upon to become the new UN special envoy for Libya. As Ghassan Salamé resigned on March 2 for health reasons, it was difficult to find a diplomatic agreement to appoint a replacement. The discussions finally seem to be…

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