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Agriculture and fishing

Advancing the Organization of the Honey Industry in Cameroon

Cameroon's Revamped Honey Industry Buzzing with Potential Cameroon's Revamped Honey Industry Buzzing with Potential The heart of Cameroon is witnessing a remarkable transformation in its honey sector, particularly in the Adamaoua region. Nestled in Ngaoundal, a state-of-the-art bee products processing facility now stands, ready to uplift the quality and profitability of honey-based products. From Beka Gotto, on-the-ground narratives bring to life the fervor of the local beekeepers' festival, orchestrated in…

Agro-Influencers in South Africa Transform Agriculture into a Trendy Affair

The Rise of South Africa's Young, Black Agri-Influencers Meet the new faces of South African farming: Young, black, and deeply connected through social media. This vibrant generation is redefining agriculture in a realm historically dominated by whites. Their digital presence gives followers the confidence to dive into a transforming sector. Lerato Botha, clad in a striking yellow outfit, turns heads at the Young Farmers' Show in Pretoria. Approached by Kgomotso, a 24-year-old farmer eager to exchange contacts, she…

FAO and the World Bank in South Sudan to

In Juba, South Sudanese ministers joined the World Bank and FAO to launch a new report proposing that the country be restored on the road to development by transforming agriculture. By 2022, more than 70% of South Sudanese will need food donations to survive.…

import dependence for merchandise of 1st class

In Madagascar, rising meals costs are changing into more and more burdensome for households. The giant island is extremely depending on imports to satisfy the wants of the inhabitants and has already been hit by inflation linked to the coronavirus pandemic. In…

fighting cashew processors

Anger is rising among Ivorian cashew nuts. Dozens of cashew processing plants in Côte d'Ivoire are closed. The country, a world leader in cashew production, processes only 10% of its production locally. Despite the political will to increase this share,…

food security in the south deeply affected by

In Angola, several humanitarian organizations are sounding the alarm. Nearly six million people are on the verge of being depleted due to food shortages in the south of the country, a region affected by the worst drought in forty years, according to the World Food Program (WFP). Cunene and Huila provinces are most affected.…

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