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Sierra Leone: cohabitation increases

According to a report by NGO Save The Children published earlier this month, the number of women settling with their partner without being married is increasing. In Sierra Leone, this cohabitation home has a name: "Tap To Me". However, this phenomenon clashes with certain sensitivities in the country. "My body, my decision, my…

thousands of displaced people and refugees after clashes

Between municipal clashes have left at least 32 dead and 74 injured in the Far North of Cameroon, near the border with Chad, thousands of people have fled to Chad or inside Cameroon according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Today, calm has returned but the situation is still difficult for the refugees. At the…

the dangers of “bombé”, an increasingly artisanal drug

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the authorities are worried about a new homemade medicine made from the remains of outlet pipes. "Bulgen" appeared in 2019, but its consumption, especially toxic, is spreading dangerously among young Kinshasa. as reported from Kinshasa, Pascal MulegwaFunny young people, in tears,…

150 prisoners killed in 6 months, Acaj protests against

In its latest report, the Congolese Association for Access to Justice once again sounded the alarm about the sad living conditions of Congolese prisoners, despite some improvements. as reported from Kinshasa, Kamanda wa Kamanda MuzembeLack of adequate medical care, promiscuity and inhuman material conditions: these are the…

twelve of the Boukouma attack rises to 80 dead

In the latest attack by jihadist groups, 65 civilians, 15 gendarmes and 6 helpers from the Burkina Faso armed forces were officially killed. These armed groups are increasingly attacking convoys or mixed convoys of the armed forces, particularly in the Sahel. This responds to a strategy of controlling this. groups this part of Burkina Faso, according to specialists. as reported from Ouagadougou, Yaya Boudani. The convoy that left Dori on Wednesday August 18 had almost 80 vehicles. "It spread to a distance of about 600…

Gabon-Angola: Queen Nzinga Mbandi, the Indestructible

Our series on resistant women takes us to Gabon to meet descendants of Queen Nzinga. She opposed Portuguese penetration in Angola in the 17th century. As a 43-year-old monarch, she fought hard to defend her kingdom against the slave trade. The fighting was so furious that some people fled Angola to Gabon. Among them, Vungu…

supporters of a basic income put back the case

After the third wave of Covid -19 and the riots last month, the country has introduced a monthly support of 350 rand - or about twenty euros - for the most disadvantaged. Although the usual social assistance paid to 18 million South Africans is not enough to cover all needs, the government is now increasingly considering making this emergency aid sustainable, in the form of a basic income - a kind of living income. project in Africa. as reported from Johannesburg, Claire Bargelès The Ministry of Social Development has…

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