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Departure is not an option

May 25, as every year, was World Africa Day celebrating the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), which became the African Union in 2002. This year, May 25 was also the day chosen for the launch in Dakar of the first edition of RASA, the Alternative Report on Africa. What's new with this report? In fact, number 1…

the controversy surrounding the appointment of senior

In Chad, a week after the appointment of senior officers, the controversy continues. The decree, dated May 21 by the Transitional Military Council, which appointed leading military officers within the DGSSIE, the presidential guard, sparked disputes. as reported from Ndjamena, Aurélie Bazzara-KibangulaAccording to the…

A puzzling texture … – The week of

What if Africa, from the point of view of law and democracy, had fallen thirty years later, for waiting and wallowing in a sweet deviation, for perfect democracy to fall from heaven or arise from heaven? savannah or forest? You ask yourself a question this morning: What's going on in Bamako? "Coup d'Etat in the coup," says…

What position will ECOWAS take before

Given the situation in Bamako, what position will ECOWAS take? We found out on Friday 28 May that the Heads of State of West African Society had a time on Sunday in Accra for a summit dedicated to the Malian background. In the various chancellors who are contacted within the sub-region, we do not hide fatigue and strong…

Côte d’Ivoire wants to protect its operators from

The Ivorian government is now forcing multinational companies to give up 20% of their export contracts to Ivorian operators. A measure aimed at avoiding the suffocation of Côte d'Ivoire traders who have long condemned the unfair competition of multinational companies currently in a virtual monopoly position on Côte d'Ivoire in the purchase and export of cocoa.…

agreement on the election organization

On Thursday, Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble and the leaders of the five semi-autonomous regions signed an agreement to hold "free and fair" elections. They were to be held between December 2020 and February 2021, but the differences between the various parties delayed them and threw Somalia into a political crisis. as…

Nigeria signs power-sharing agreement

It is an important production sharing agreement that Nigeria has just signed with the multinational oil companies operating in the country. An agreement that paves the way for investments that can reach 10 billion dollars. It is the culmination of two years of arm wrestling between NNPC - the Nigerian company that manages…

visits South Africa, Macron pleads for

After Kigali, Emmanuel Macron continued his mini-African tour of South Africa. He arrived in Pretoria last Friday for a visit focusing on the Covid-19 pandemic, South Africa is the country on the most affected continent. Emmanuel Macron and Cyril Ramaphosa have launched an appeal to the international community for the production of vaccines.…

the Constitutional Court declares the Colonel

Malia's constitutional court, which on Friday declared Colonel Assimi Goïta head of state and interim president to bring civilians back to power, indicates a court ruling completing the second coup led by an officer and the military in nine months. The ruling of the Malian Constitutional Court states that the Vice-President of…

Tunisia: support workshops in

In Tunisia, which is facing the country's very low breastfeeding rate revealed by a Unicef ​​study (13.5% 2018), women are trying to change the situation and increase awareness of the benefits of breast milk. At the mother's bubble, a start-up that prepares women for childbirth and breastfeeding, Dorra Ladjimi, breastfeeding…

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