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Africa report

Louise, sufferer of genital mutilation in

In the Central African Republic, excision is a widely practiced but little known tradition. According to the latest studies, 21.6% of women between the ages of 15 and 49 have undergone some form of genital mutilation. Mutilation is practiced in all religions. Banda are the ethnic group where these methods are most prevalent (52.9%). Louise (her first name has changed) agreed to share her experience. .

Tale of a Cameroonian immigrant in the US

The migration routes that leave Africa lead either to other countries on the continent or to Europe, or - and it is less well known - to the United States. Congolese, Ugandans, Malays, Sierra Leoneans ... Many Africans arrive in Latin America and try to reach North America. Under the Trump administration, those who succeeded…

Mali: In Timbuktu, sufferers of crime have been dedicated

In Mali, the Transitional Authority and the International Criminal Court on Tuesday, March 30, organized a symbolic indemnity ceremony in the case of the Timbuktu mausoleums, following the ICC's 2016 conviction of Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, by Ansar Dine, who had ordered the destruction of the Timbuktu mausoleums. But thousands of victims are still waiting for justice, testifying to their experiences before…

Mali: Timbuktu mausoleus come to lifestyles

Nearly nine years after the burial of Timbuktu's tombs and five years after their reconstruction, the inhabitants have regained their religious treasures, inseparable from the very identity of "333 holy cities." From our special correspondent in Timbuktu, A few steps from Djingareyber's large mosque, the gates to a cemetery. On the sandy ground, sober sign shows the places of the graves. In the middle, three mausoleums of light stone rise by about two meters. Alpha Ibrahim Ben Essayouti, Deputy Imam of…

Terror led by Eritrean troopers in

Four months after the hostilities began, fighting in rural Tigrayan continues between the Ethiopian army and the Tigray people's liberation front. Another player in the conflict, the Eritrean army, sowed terror among the peoples. After months of denial, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has just acknowledged (yesterday in response to questions from parliamentarians about the situation in the country)…

In Ethiopia rape as a weapon of conflict in

Hundreds of rape cases have been reported throughout Tigray since the beginning of the conflict - which has now been going on for four months. Hospitals have received many cases of abortions or serious injuries as a result of these rapes. The victims suffer from psychological trauma. Possible war crimes, but so far no independent investigative body has gained access to the region.…

In Ethiopia, Tigray within the midst of a humanitarian disaster

After more than four months of fighting in the Tigray region, the government assures us that more than 3 million people - half the population - have been able to benefit from humanitarian aid. But the situation remains extremely uncertain with hundreds of thousands of displaced people arriving in the cities. Humanitarian organizations are struggling to gain access to rural areas, where thousands of people are still trapped in the ongoing struggle. A report by Maria Gerth-Niculescu. They sometimes went for several…

South Africa: begin of educational yr disrupted

In the last two weeks, students have been demonstrating in South Africa against the lack of funding for higher education and too high tuition fees. The crisis is about the issue of student debt. Those who are unable to pay their tuition fees are prevented from enrolling or threatened with exclusion. .

DRC: air pollution in Somika district of Lubumbashi

In Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), hundreds of residents of the attached municipality on the outskirts of the city condemn the mining activities of the mining company Katanga Somika. In 2005, the same company had already been accused by several NGOs of contaminating the water table in Kimilolo, where a station from the drinking water distribution company is installed.…

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