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Ethiopia Dismisses Somalia’s Allegations of Unauthorized Border Crossings as Unfounded

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia's spokesperson dismisses Somalia's allegation as groundless (Photo File/PD)On Thursday, Ethiopia refuted Somalia's claims that Ethiopian soldiers unlawfully entered Somali territory, calling it "baseless." Last week, Somalia accused Ethiopian troops of crossing the border without the Somali Federal government's consent.Somalia officially lodged the complaint at the United Nations through Ambassador Abukar Dahir Osman. Their allegations mentioned Ethiopian soldiers, not part of the…

In Tanzania, the police affirm the accusation

The leader of the opposition party Chadema, arrested on Wednesday, July 21, is accused of preparing for the assassination of political leaders. Amnesty International is talking about a political arrest. The other Tanzanian opponents lament a reluctance against Freeman Mbowe. This is the first time Freeman Mbowe has been…

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