US and UK Embassies Release Security Warnings for Kenya

The U.S. embassy cautioned, “While attacks can happen anytime, worries spike around anniversaries of former terrorist assaults like 9/11, the Westgate Mall tragedy on September 21st, and the October 7th Hamas strike on Israel.”

Americans in Nairobi are encouraged to stay undercover, dodge protest zones, and remain vigilant in hangouts popular with tourists and foreigners.

The UK embassy in Kenya backed this up with a travel warning, urging travel only when necessary.

The Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) has advised Brits to avoid traveling within 60 kilometers of Kenya’s border with Somalia, covering Mandera and Lamu Counties (excluding Lamu and Manda Islands) and Tana River County.

“Numerous assaults have plagued the northeastern border areas, mostly credited to Al Shabaab,” the FCDO mentioned in a statement. “These attacks have claimed the lives of both Kenyan security personnel and civilians. Armed militias are active in the Boni National Reserve and along the Somalia border.”

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