North Western State of Somalia Voices Concern Over Egypt’s Substantial Arms Shipment to Mogadishu

HARGEISA, North Western State of Somalia (REPORTING BY KAAB TV) — Government officials in North Western State of Somalia have raised the alarm over Egypt’s recent shipment of significant weaponry to Mogadishu. They warn that this arms transfer could jeopardize an already precarious regional stability.

In an official communiqué, North Western State of Somalia expressed grave concerns regarding Mogadishu’s capacity to manage and secure the hefty military consignment properly.

“North Western State of Somalia is deeply alarmed by the transfer of these weapons, as the Mogadishu administration currently lacks the capacity to effectively manage or safeguard such a large cache of military equipment,” stated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the self-declared region.

Authorities in Hargeisa cautioned that uncontrolled arms flow within Somalia’s fragile environment might spark an arms race, with various groups stockpiling to protect their interests.

There’s a particular worry that these sophisticated weapons could end up in the hands of extremist factions such as Al-Shabaab or local clan militias, escalating violence and unrest throughout the region.

In light of these risks, North Western State of Somalia is calling on the international community to take immediate and decisive action to mitigate the brewing crisis.

The government urged proactive measures to avert further conflict, potential escalations, and loss of lives. “The stakes are too high for inaction,” the communiqué stressed.

This outcry comes after a significant consignment of Egyptian arms landed in Mogadishu just the day before. This batch, noted as the largest since the UN lifted its arms embargo on Somalia in December 2023, has triggered widespread concern.

The shipment reportedly included heavy artillery, anti-tank weapons, and armored vehicles, all supplied under a bilateral defense agreement inked between Egypt and Somalia in August 2024.

Despite mounting fears that these arms might bolster clan militias or terrorist factions, Somali authorities in Mogadishu have remained silent on the matter.

This infusion of military aid into Somalia introduces further complexity to the already fragile security landscape, heightening anxieties that these weapons might amplify violence and further destabilize the region.

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