In the spotlight: an eruption and an evacuation

The daily newspaper L’Avenir examines the situation generated by the latest volcanic eruption in northern Kivu. According to this newspaper, it is necessary to move the population from Goma to Sake to meet this situation. L’Avenir reveals that this is a project presented by the Higher Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, supported by the coordination of the urban development project. These are the preliminary conclusions presented to the Minister of Urban Planning and Housing, Pius Muabilu.

“The Chebeya affair: a memo from VSV to the head of state”, headlines Le Phare, another newspaper which states that 11 years after the double murder of human rights activists Floribert Chebeya and his companion Fidèle Bazana, General John Numbi is still elusive. In connection with this painful anniversary on June 1, the NGO handed over the Voix des Sans Voix to the President of the Republic Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, a memo requesting that the trial on this state crime be resumed, we can still read in the newspaper Le Phare.

“Senate, is it a refuge for the big hijackers? This is the issue of the day in the now weekly newspaper Salongo. for public institutions and services where there is a suspicion of embezzlement of national wealth “. the weekly Salongo, people suspected of embezzling public funds must justify themselves to men in dresses.

For its part, the newspaper Le Potentiel was interested in the portfolio review organized by the Foreign Minister responsible for the portfolio, Princess Kahinda Mahinda. And in the High section, the columnist in Le Potentiel could not be clearer: “The portfolio overview should not be confused with the audit itself”. This colleague recalls “that this is a matter of identifying strengths and weaknesses in management, of identifying ideal therapies that can reorient the mechanism to make societies as effective as they are effective. “And the newspaper concludes:” Initiated by the government of the Holy Union, the portfolio overview should clearly propose a sound management method and a new agent profile “.


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