Fresh Fighting in Central Somalia Results in More Than 10 Fatalities and Numerous Injuries

Renewed Violence Erupts in Central Somalia as Clan Clashes Escalate

GALKAYO, Somalia (AXADLE) – A surge of violence has left over ten individuals dead and numerous others wounded amidst fresh confrontations between the Habargedir/Saleban clan militia and the Marehan/Wagar Dhac militia in the Galgaduud area.

This turmoil, ignited by an alarming influx of weaponry and the involvement of government figures, began on Friday, September 6, and persisted through Sunday, September 8, in the village of Bali Soonyaale.

Witnesses have reported that both factions have bolstered their ranks with militia members and heavy artillery, raising fears that the hostilities may linger.

A source acquainted with the ongoing situation stated, “The technical vehicles and fighters were positioned here in Adado. Some had previously taken shelter at Al-Adala’s residence in Adado.”

In an attempt to restore peace, a group of elder mediators dispatched by the Galmudug regional administration last week had to delay their efforts as peace talks crumbled under the weight of increased armament from both factions.

Galmudug President Ahmed Abdi Karie, affectionately known as Qoorqoor, has appealed for an end to the violence and urged both parties to accept mediation.

“I implore both sides to cease hostilities and embrace mediation,” he stated. However, new revelations indicate that a Somali federal government official may be stoking the flames of conflict.

Deputy Minister of Information Abdirahman Yusuf Al-Adala, affiliated with the Saleban/Habargedir clan, stands accused of inciting further violence.

Reports suggest that weapons and vehicles connected to Al-Adala were moved from Adado to the battleground. Local sources in Adado allege that armed men under Al-Adala’s command participated in assaults on the Marehan settlement.

Conversely, Marehan militia reportedly intercepted two truckloads of arms and ammunition near the Ethiopian border, close to the town of Abudwak. Sources speculate these weapons are now fueling the ongoing conflict.

How can clan conflicts be resolved when @HassanSMohamud has officials in his cabinet openly inciting animosity and violence against specific communities?

Will there be an inquiry regarding the Deputy Minister of Information while the Galgaduud region in central Somalia is…

Meanwhile, a parallel conflict has emerged in the Mudug region, where further clashes between Marehan and Habargedir militias have been reported.

Although precise casualty figures remain elusive, a Galmudug official based in Galkayo has voiced alarm over the deteriorating humanitarian crisis.

“If this conflict drags on, it will place an even heavier burden on local communities and exacerbate the humanitarian situation,” remarked Hassan Abdirahman, emphasizing the plight of civilians as pastoralists and rural families flee the conflict-ridden areas.

The intensifying violence has worsened an already critical humanitarian crisis in the region.

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