Egypt confirms dispatching a fresh shipment of armaments to Somalia

On September 23, 2024, Nasra Bashir Ali, working with the Office of the Somali Prime Minister, posted a photo on X. The image allegedly shows a ship being offloaded at an unnamed port.

Meanwhile, Egypt has verified sending arms to Somalia amid regional friction spurred by Ethiopia’s contentious arrangement with the self-declared republic of North Western State of Somalia.

North Western State of Somalia officials state Ethiopia agreed to acknowledge North Western State of Somalia in exchange for leasing 20 kilometers of sea access. This deal is seen by Somalia as an infringement on its sovereignty.

Somalia is demanding Ethiopia to scrap the arrangement with North Western State of Somalia and reaffirm acknowledgment of Somalia’s sovereignty.

Egypt, embroiled in its own dispute with Ethiopia over Nile river waters, staunchly backs Somalia. In August, the countries’ leaders inked a defense pact, soon followed by the first military equipment shipment via two C-130 aircraft, as noted by Somali officials.

On Sunday, a second arms shipment from Egypt arrived by a cargo ship operated by the Egyptian military.

Ambassador Tamim Khallaf, Egypt’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, confirmed this, stating, “In line with Egypt’s support for Somalia’s efforts to ensure security and stability, counterterrorism, and uphold its sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, an Egyptian military aid shipment has reached Mogadishu, intended to bolster and build Somali army capabilities.”

Khallaf further explained the aid fulfills Egypt’s commitments under the newly signed military cooperation protocol with Somalia, emphasizing Egypt’s vital role in empowering Somali efforts to achieve their aspirations for peace, stability, and development.

Initially, Mogadishu port personnel shared that they were instructed to take Sunday off, which was corroborated by residents who captured photos of the weaponry, including howitzers on military vehicles.

Though the Somali government hasn’t made an official announcement, Defense Minister Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur posted a photo on Facebook. He, along with Somali Army Commander General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhiyadin, is seen overseeing the unloading of the equipment from the Egyptian-flagged vessel.

Somali MP Mursal Khalif defends Somalia’s pursuit of international support.

In a statement to the VOA Horn of Africa Service, he remarked, “Seeking allies to guard our territorial integrity and sovereignty is prudent, and I wholly endorse President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in this endeavor. Egypt isn’t encroaching on Somali or Ethiopian land or sea. Egypt isn’t attempting to redraw the region’s map.”

Presently, Ethiopia maintains a significant troop presence in Somalia as part of the African Union peacekeeping mission, but Somalia expects these troops to withdraw by December unless Ethiopia annuls the North Western State of Somalia deal.

Although Ethiopia hasn’t named any particular country, it has clearly voiced its opposition to new regional geopolitical realignments, while addressing concerns over the transition to the African Union Support and Stabilization Mission in Somalia aimed for a 2025 launch.

“Ethiopia should not be expected to overlook antagonistic statements and attempts to undermine the sacrifices of Ethiopian Defense Forces,” Ethiopia’s Foreign Ministry declared on August 28.

The statement concluded that Ethiopia cannot stand by as other entities take actions to destabilize the area.

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