The United States supplies 500 million COVID-19 vaccine doses worldwide

WASHINGTON (AXADLE) The United States has now distributed more than 500 million safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine doses, free of charge, to more than 110 countries and economies around the world – with the sole purpose of saving lives.

Since the start of the pandemic, the U.S. government has provided nearly $ 20 billion in health, humanitarian, economic and development assistance to over 120 countries, including rapid response support for urgent health needs and technical assistance to expand vaccine access.

“We have also invested and supported the expansion of regional COVID-19 vaccine production in Africa and Asia. Today, we continue to work tirelessly with governments and international organizations, vaccine manufacturers, NGOs, the private sector and others to deliver vaccines, getting shot in the arm, increasing testing and treatment, supporting and protecting healthcare professionals, and more. Our recently announced global action plan for COVID-19 provides a clear roadmap for this international coordination, “said Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

“Our work is making a difference around the world,” he adds.

In Paraguay, the US donation of two million Pfizer vaccine doses was quickly administered. The government set up a US-based mass vaccination site and administered 500,000 doses within a week. In Zambia, the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) used American Rescue Plan Act funds to support the administration of nearly two million COVID-19 vaccines through more than 500 health facilities across Zambia’s 10 provinces as part of its work to combat HIV / AIDS.

In addition, a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alfred Kankuzi in Malawi helped build his own app to respond to the rapid spread of misinformation and misinformation across social media. Called COVID-19 NEBA, or “Hey Neighbor,” the app is offered in three languages ​​- Chichewa, Tumbuka and English – and increases access to fact-based information from trusted sources, including the US Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization and the Malawi Ministry of Health. Alfred has helped over 648,000 citizens access accurate COVID-19 information.

In Thailand, the foreign ministry’s exchange alumni used a small grant to support residents of Chiang Dao in Chiang Mai province. Alumni joined community organizations to create visual and audio media in seven local languages ​​on best practices for COVID-19 prevention, collaborated with public health officials to conduct COVID-19 prevention workshops for village health volunteers, and provided effective communication tools and techniques to village leaders for to help residents stay up to date on COVID-19 – and reach more than 70,000 people.

“This work is critical because this pandemic is not over, according to the State Department.” Many lives are still at risk globally as countries struggle with Omicron and we face the possibility of new variants. The United States will continue to work with partners and communities at all levels to save lives and better prepare for future pandemics, “it added.

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