Top 10 Foods to Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau

Hitting a plateau in your weight loss efforts can be incredibly frustrating, to say the least. You’ve been eating healthy, keeping track of your calories, exercising diligently and seeing progress on the scale. So, what happens? Don’t worry, because weight loss plateaus are common. With a few smart adjustments to your diet and daily routine, you’ll be back on track toward your goals. That’s why we’re here to share 10 of the best foods to eat when you hit a weight loss plateau.

“Hitting a plateau when you’re on a weight loss journey is a given—it’s going to happen every time. To break a plateau, you need to change something, whether it’s your diet, your exercise plan, or both,” explains Lacy Puttuck, MS, RDN, CISSN, CSCSa registered dietitian with Top nutrition advice. “The body adapts very quickly and will remain the same unless a new stimulus is applied. There are some great foods you can add to your diet plan that can help break out of a plateau.”

The key to losing weight is choosing foods that make you feel good physically. According to Puttuck, these are usually lower in calories and highly nutritious.

In addition, weight loss is a long-term process that changes along with your body. Incorporating new foods and exercises into your routine is the best way to break plateaus and stay on track toward your goals. So let’s explore the top 10 foods to eat when you hit a weight loss plateau.

Fat-free plain Greek yogurt

greek yogurt, concept of snacks for weight loss and muscle gain

Next time you’re at the grocery store, consider adding fat-free plain Greek yogurt to your cart. It’s the perfect snack with fresh berries, nuts and a drizzle of farm-fresh honey.

“There is a large body of research supporting low-fat dairy and weight loss,” says Puttuck. “The evidence suggests eating three servings of low-fat dairy products while in a calorie deficit can facilitate fat loss. Greek yogurt is also very versatile. It can be sweet or savory and used in place of sour cream and many other higher fat dressings.”

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Citrus fruits

citrus fruitscitrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as lemons, tangerines, limes, oranges and grapefruit can give you a nice little boost energy boost. This, in turn, can result in a higher level of physical activity during the day, which means more calories burned.

“Citrus fruits are low in calories [and] high in vitamin C and fiber,” explains Puttuck. “Vitamin C is a precursor to collagen, which keeps joints healthy [and allows] us to train harder.”

Lean beef

image of beef jerky, an american canned foodimage of beef jerky, an american canned food

Beef sometimes gets a bad rap and is considered “unhealthy” because it is usually associated with fast food. “[However,] beef is actually a very healthy food when low-fat options are chosen,” explains Puttuck. “Beef contains a variety of minerals, such as iron and zinc, that become depleted on a calorie-restricted diet. Low iron levels inhibit weight loss.”

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raspberries blueberries blackberries strawberriesraspberries blueberries blackberries strawberries

Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries – you name it! These powerful little fruits are bursting with antioxidants, which are important during weight loss.

“[When you lose weight,] there is tissue breakdownand we fight that destruction with antioxidants,” Puttuck points out. “Berries are also a great source of fiber, which helps keep hunger at bay for longer.”

Hot sauce and salsa

hot sauce bottleshot sauce bottles

Hot sauce might not be the first thing that comes to mind as a smart addition to your weight loss program, but it absolutely should be.

“Hot sauce causes our body temperature to rise slightly, which is a boost to the metabolism,” says Puttuck. “It also adds flavor to healthier foods like chicken and fish. Food has to taste good, and this is a very low-calorie way to do that.”

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red bell pepper, concept of low carb vegetables for weight lossred bell pepper, concept of low carb vegetables for weight loss

Capsaicin, a compound found in peppers, has been shown to lower body fatmaking paprika an ideal addition to any healthy diet.

“Pepper is high in vitamin C, makes food taste good and doesn’t have a lot of calories,” says Puttuck. “You can eat peppers raw for a crunch snack or grill them and add them to your favorite protein for a delicious meal.”

Low fat cottage cheese

bowl of cottage cheese with strawberries and blueberriesbowl of cottage cheese with strawberries and blueberries

Cottage cheese makes a delicious, light breakfast or snack – especially when combined with fresh berries.

“Curd cheese contains casein, a slower-digesting protein that has great benefits for fat loss,” says Puttuck. “Adding cottage cheese to sauces and dips can give it a cheesy flavor without the fat and calories. Because of its slower digestion, it will also help keep hunger signals at bay.”

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soft boiled eggssoft boiled eggs

Eggs are a powerhouse of nutrients and protein. In addition, they taste delicious whether you enjoy them stirred, hard-boiled or too light!

“There is a solid body of evidence suggests that eggs aid in weight loss through multiple pathways including appetite suppression, immune system strengthening and improvement in nutritional status, Puttuck says.

Potatoes/Sweet potatoes

composition with fresh sweet potatoes on light backgroundcomposition with fresh sweet potatoes on light background

Potatoes are packed with potassium. “This nutrient helps keep blood pressure in check and is used for hydration along with sodium,” explains Puttuck. “Potatoes are also a very satisfying source of carbohydrates for exercise. They are easily digested and help provide energy for hard workouts.”

Organ meat

duck liver pateduck liver pate

According to Puttuck, live organ meats are excellent sources of micronutrients. “These micronutrients become depleted during caloric restriction and [impact] optimal function and weight loss,” she says. “These foods act as a protein-rich vitamin that can strengthen and correct deficiencies.”

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