This weight reduction drink brought on 5 ladies to fail drug exams

Several women say they wish they had not tried weight loss tea products that allegedly cost them their jobs.

Three women told a TV news station in Charlotte that they failed drug trials after consuming Total Life Change’s Iaso tea and then test positive for tetrahydrocannabinol or THC too short. It is the chemical in marijuana that makes you feel “high”.

WSOC-TV asked an independent laboratory to test two samples of tea for THC. Although the front package stated that it had 0.0%, the results revealed trace levels of THC that were “potentially” sufficient for a failed drug test. “It took me well over a month and a half to pass a drug test at home,” one user told the outlet. (RELATED: The only vitamin doctor urges everyone to take right now)

FDA says products containing “not more than 0.3% THC by dry weight are no longer controlled substances under federal law,” which means that tea is legal. But that does not explain why the package said there was no THC, and WSOC-TV has since revealed three class actions.

Total Life Changes has reportedly updated its packaging on raspberry lemonade, which comes in regular and immediate versions, to say that it “does not recommend use if you are subject to drug testing.”

“We are aware of the allegations about one of our tea products. At TLC, we care deeply about our customers and are committed to their well-being, the company tells WSOC-TV. We are in the process of learning more about relevant facts, but are not in a position to report more fully. right now.”

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