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West Africa

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arms transfer between candidates in free high school education

The two main candidates in the presidential election in Ghana clashed again this Thursday, November 26, through meetings on the issue of free high school education. This flagship action by President Nana Akufo-Addo has enabled more than 430,000 students to return to school. Rival Maisson John Dramani Mahama also claims paternity.…

Patrice Talon’s outstretched hand to the opposition

Benin is preparing for the April 11 presidential election. Patrice Talon, who organized team elections without the opposition in 2019, this time promises an "inclusive vote" open to his opponents and promises to do everything to carry it out. But the opposition remains suspicious. as reported from Cotonou, Jean-Luc…

opposition mobilizations end

The last demonstration so far in the call of the Guinean opposition on Wednesday, November 25, was mobilized very little. The UFDG, the party of Cellou Dalein Diallo, a failed presidential candidate on October 18, continues to condemn "a choice". Authorities believe that this failure proves the breathlessness of the protests, a month after the re-election, for a third term, of President Alpha Condé.…

re-elected, President Kaboré intends to advocate appeasement

With 57.87% of the vote according to the preliminary results, President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré won the first round of the presidential election. He succeeded in his famous knockout shot and leaves a second period. Eddie Komboïgo, from the CDP, the former ruling party, comes in second (15.48% of the vote) and Zéphirin Diabré, the current opposition leader, comes in third with just over 12% of the…

in Burkina Faso, disappointment within the opposition

The outgoing president, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, received the presidential election within the first spherical in Burkina Faso with 57.87% of the vote. He's forward of Eddie Komboïgo (15.48%), of which it was the primary candidacy. He wore the colours of the CDP, the get together of former President Blaise Compaoré. A celebration that was not allowed to run in 2015. If the get together that led the…

Burkina Faso President Kabore wins re-election

President Roch Marc Christian Kabore will serve one other 5 years as president of Burkina Faso, in response to preliminary outcomes introduced by the Nationwide Unbiased Electoral Fee on Thursday. Kabore gained with nearly 58% of the vote, beating 12 opponents and claiming victory within the first spherical, says Newton Ahmed Barry, Fee President. Kabore obtained 1.6 million votes out of the almost 3 million votes, with turnout of fifty%, he stated. The opposition had hoped to separate the vote and…

President Kaboré victory (preliminary results)

Provisional national results: Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, MPP - The People's Movement for Progress: 57.87%, wins the election in the first round.EddieKomboïgo, CDP - Congress for Democracy and Progress: 15.48%Zéphirin Diabré, UPC - Union for Progress and Change: 12.46%Kadré Désiré Ouedraogo, acting together: 3.36%Tahirou Barry - Pairs: 2.19%Ablasse Ouedraogo - Faso Other: 1.80%Gilbert Noël Ouedraogo, ADF-RDA: 1.55%Yacouba Isaac Zida, MPS: 1.52%Abdoulaye Soma, the sun of the future: 1.41%Ségui Ambroise Farama, OPF:…

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