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Rashford has not yet decided on shoulder surgery

Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has revealed that Marcus Rashford is still considering his options when it comes to undergoing shoulder surgery this summer.Rashford has been dealing with a shoulder problem for the best part of eight months now, and he saw a specialist last week to try to determine if surgery would be the best step for him right now in his career.Rashford recently met a specialist / Paul Ellis - Pool / Getty ImagesIt was suggested that Rashford had already decided to go under the knife, but…

Uncertainty about new Henderson contract

Liverpool have failed to make any real progress in talks with midfielder Jordan Henderson over a new contract, with the door now tentatively open for a potential exit from the club.The Reds have looked at their contract situation this summer and have already started working on some extensions. Goalkeeper Alisson will sign a new deal, as will Fabinho, and talks with Henderson have been raging for a few weeks now.Henderson has two years left to drive / Visionhaus / Getty ImagesDespite some early optimism, The Athletic notes…

Manchester United Oo Xaqiijisay Waqtiyga Ay Soo Laabanayaan Pogba,

Labada xiddig ee khadka dhexe uga ciyaara Manchester United ee Bruno Fernandes iyo Paul Pogba ayaa ka maqnaan doona kooxdaas toddobaad kale, xilli uu kaabiga soo saaran yahay horyaalka Premier League oo ay ka hadhsan yihiin saddex toddobaad.Fernandes iyo Pogba ayaa ku kulmay tartanka Euro 2020 oo ay labadooda waddan ba kaga hadheen wareegga 16ka saddex toddobaad ka hor, laakiin waxay galeen fasaxyadoodii xagaaga, taas oo meesha ka saartay inay kusoo laabtaan tababarka. Pogba ayaa ku sugan waddanka Maraykanka oo uu fasaxiisa…

Falastiiniyiinta Oo Ku Farxay Go’aan Cusub Oo Ay Qaadatay Barcelona &

Xidhiidhka kubaddacagta Falastiin ayaa farxad kusoo dhoweeyey go’aan cusub oo ay qaadatay Barcelona, kaas oo ah inay ka laabato go’aan hore oo ay xataa ka mudaharaadeen.Kooxda reer Spain ayaa ku dhowaatay inay lumiso taageereyaasheeda Falastiin iyadoo ka farxinaysa Yuhuudda oo ay waliba u hiilinaysay, laakiin go’aankaas ayaa hadda ay ka noqotay, waxaana farxad iyo rayn-rayn kusoo dhoweeyey Falastiiniyiinta.Barcelona ayaa qorshaheedu ahaa in ay kusoo ciyaarto magaalada Barakaysan ee Quddus ee ay xoogga ku qabsadeen Yuhuuddu…

Real Madrid Oo Natiijo Niyad-jab Ah Ka Keentay Ciyaartii Labaad Ee

Kooxda kubadda cagta Real Madrid ayaa ciyaartay kulankii labaad ee saaxiibtinimo ee xagaagan, kuwaas oo ay iskugu diyaarinayso xilli ciyaareedka dambe.Los Blancos ayaa xalay la ciyaartay kooxda reer Spain ee Rayo Vallecano, waxaanay u ahayd kulankii labaad, laakii natiijada kasoo baxday ayaan ahayn mid ka farxisay Ancelotti iyo jamaahiirta oo rajaynayay inay sameeyaan bandhig dhoolatus oo kale ah.Real Madrid oo ay fasax kaga maqan yihiin tiro ciyaartoydeeda waaweyn ee ka qayb-galay tartamada Copa America iyo Euro 2020 ayaa…

Atlanta United’s sack head coach Gabriel Heinze

Atlanta United have fired head coach Gabriel Heinze after a disappointing start to the MLS season. Heinze was appointed just seven months ago, following spells with Argentinos Juniors and Velez Sarsfield in Argentina. Atlanta won just two of its 13 MLS games during its time. This record leaves them 10th in the Eastern Conference, four points behind the playoffs after playing one game more than the seventh-placed New York City. According to a club statement, Heinze was due to: "A variety of issues related to the team's…

Barça eye Renato Sanches deal

Barcelona are considering a move for Renato Sanches if their attempt to sign Saul Niguez proves unsuccessful. 2016 Golden Boy winner Sanches has revived his career since signing for Lille in 2019 and helped Les Dogues to a shock Ligue 1 title last season. He played a total of 29 games and recorded four assists. Christophe Galtier's side has already started to fall apart, however with Boubakary Soumare, Mike Maignan as well as Galtier himself leaving the club. Sanches was presented to Portugal at Euro 2020 / Isosport / MB…

Messi trumps Ronaldo for the most liked Instagram photo

Lionel Messi has surpassed Cristiano Ronaldo as a sports star with the most liked photo on Instagram. The picture was of Messi celebrating his Copa America triumph with Argentina. La Albiceleste beat Brazil 1-0 in the final with Angel Di Maria scoring the only goal of the first half. After the dust had settled on the victory, Messi took to Instagram to praise his success and published a photo with the text: “What a beautiful madness! This is incredible! Thank you God! We are the winners! "To date, the post has attracted…

Jurgen Klopp Oo Shaaciyey Waqtiga Uu Ibrahima Konate Ciyaarayo

Tababaraha Liverpool ee Jurgen Klopp ayaa shaaciyey waqtiga uu kulankiisa ugu horreeya ciyaari doono difaacii cusbaa ee ay xagaagan soo iibsadeen ee Ibrahima Konrate.Laacibkan ayay Liverpool kala soo wareegtay RB Leipzig bishii May iyadoo kasoo bixisay lacag dhan £36 milyan oo Gini, waxaanu tababarka kooxda ee Austria kula soo biiray Isniintii.Difaacan reer France ee Muslimka ah ayuu Jurgen Klopp sheegay in uu kulankiisa ugu horreeya noqon doono ciyaarta saaxiibtinimo ee Salaasada oo laba kulan oo min 30 daqiiqadood ah ay la…

RASMI: Xiddig Ka Tirsanaa Chelsea Oo Heshiis Rasmi Ah Ugu Wareegay

Xiddiga ka tirsanaa Chelsea ayaa u wareegay koox kale oo reer London ah oo ay ku wada xafiiltamayaan horyaalka Premier League, taas oo uu qalinka ugu duugay heshiis shan sannadood ah.Crystal Palace ayaa shaacisay inay heshiis rasmi ah kula soo wareegtay difaaca Chelsea ee Marc Guehi oo saxeexay qandaraas shan sannadood ah, laakiin lama sheegin caddadka lacagta ay Chelsea ku iibisay laacibkeedan oo kasoo laabtay amaah uu xilli ciyaareedkii hore ugu maqnaa Swansea City.Tababaraha cusub ee Crystal Palace ee Patrick Vieira oo ah…

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