the volunteers for the defense of the fatherland accused of abuse

Although hailed by the president of Faso at the end of last week, the volunteers’ contribution to the defense of the homeland against terrorism has drawn criticism.

as reported from Ouagadougou, Yaya Boudani

The collective against impunity and stigmatization of society, the Burkinabè Movement for Human Rights and Human Rights (MBDHP) and the Democratic Youth Organization (ODJ) condemn abuse attributed to volunteers. Faced with the press on Wednesday, October 28, in Ouagadougou, members of these organizations filed several cases of abuse and practice that are considered facies offenses. All in contrast to the missions entrusted to the volunteers for the defense of the fatherland at their creation.

They even talked about “serious violations” of human rights by volunteers in defense of the homeland. Control on certain roads in the country, establishment of checkpoints, interrogation of populations with facial features. “It is a force that is not strictly controlled because they are attacked by many former criminals and bandits who are recognized and registered as such. It opens a door for other foreign militias to infiltrate the Burkinabè area, specifically the members of the militia. Dan Nan Ambassagou there is violence in the Mouhoun loop, ”explains Daouda Diallo, general secretary of the collective against impunity and stigma of society.

According to Dr. Diallo helps the volunteers for the defense of the party to create a climate of terror among the peoples. Bouraima Barry from Tabital Pulaku / Burkina believes that the next authorities will need to focus more on more issues, including social cohesion, the presence of militias in Burkina Faso and the management of conflicts between communities.

These organizations call for measures to protect the population in areas affected by insecurity.


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