the election audit delivers a satisfactory


In Burkina Faso, after a week of work, the ad hoc committee of 22 experts and personalities completed the revision of the electoral register. Experts concluded that the biometric electoral register is reliable and ready for elections on 22 November 2020. The opposition had requested an independent review of the case following concerns over cases of possible multiple registrations.

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with our correspondent in Ouagadougou,

The audit operation consisted of evaluating the conformity of the electoral register with the electoral code and constitution of Burkina Faso and also with the required international standards. The biometric file counts for being exactly 6,490,926 voters. According to the group of international experts who conducted the mission, the Electoral Commission demonstrated professionalism and transparency during the process of reviewing and revising the biometric electoral register.

Cyril Kulnevic is the leader of the delegation of experts. “Céni guaranteed the unique character of each voter by making a significant deduplication of multiple registrations with one million 425,725 entries identified and deleted from the entire database over 2012 to 2020. These operations have thus made it possible to guarantee the inclusive character of the Burkinabè Electoral Register, which today it reaches 6 million 490,926 voters … ”

Despite some weaknesses, such as the uncontrolled accumulation of deceased voters, estimated at around 320,000 people, the experts concluded that the electoral register is ready for the next election.

Antoine Michon, Director of Political Affairs and Democratic Governance of the International Organization of Francophonie (OIF), is pleased with the work done. “It is a quality portfolio that was produced under very difficult conditions, which is reliable and which therefore makes it possible to go to the polls with confidence”.

According to Minaté Samaté, Commissioner for African Union Political Affairs, this review is an important contribution to the holding of peaceful elections in November next year.

also read : In Burkina Faso, international experts are beginning to revise the electoral roll


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