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West Africa

Axadle | West Africa. Firstly, your best news source, From, the expert view you can trust.

The 22nd African Championships were canceled

The 22nd African Athletics Championships will not take place. Nigeria, asked to host the event instead of Algeria, finally gave up because of the health context. This important step towards the Tokyo Olympics had already been postponed from 2020 to 2021 due to Covid-19. A big blow for African athletics, less than 50 days…

WHO points out the difficulties with vaccination in

The World Health Organization warns of a possible third wave of Covid-19 in Africa as pollution begins to rise again in 14 countries on the continent, and only 0.54% of the African population is currently fully protected by a vaccine. The WHO acknowledges that the continent was poorly prepared for this vaccine phase and overly dependent on the rest of the world. Almost 99% of vaccine production takes…

In the spotlight: France discontinues operations

France announced yesterday, Thursday, June 3, to abolish, as a precautionary and temporary measure, the suspension of its joint military operations with Bamako.That is the "warning from France", launchesThe ParisianIt is even "a serious warning in Bamako" in anticipation of guarantees "for civilians to return to power and for the establishment of a transition process that guarantees that the planned elections will be held well…

Suspension of joint operations: “the army

France "will suspend its joint military operations with Mali" and will only resume them once "the framework for the political transition in Mali is clarified". This is announced by Paris, ten days after Colonel Goita's coup in Bamako. If France and Mali cannot agree, are we heading towards the end of Operation Barkhane? The French general Dominique Trinquand was head of the French military mission to the UN in New York. He is now retired. He delivers his analysis to ChristopheBoisbouvier's microphone. .

eventful meeting with “KKB” at PDCI

Unhappy with the visit to the PDCI's headquarters for National Reconciliation Minister Kouadio Konan Bertin, five to six well-educated men, from the JPDCI's leadership, wanted to prevent a pressure point being maintained by attacking journalists present on the spot. as reported from Abidjan, François Hume-Ferkatadji"KKB", a…

New technology and the future of

Will digital revolutionize agriculture in Africa and help improve yields? Some people believe a lot in it, although there is still a long way to go. Morocco has started with that, with a view to extending what works against the other countries on the African continent. The future of agriculture in Morocco was at the heart of a virtual discussion organized by Impact Lab * on 5 May.…

the end of the leap for “the ess of escape” Baye

Baye Modou Fall, aka "Boy Djinné" - "the young genius" in Wolof, was arrested on Thursday (June 3) near Tambacounda, in the east of the country. The prisoner, who became known after 12 escapes - according to the press release - strengthened his reputation by fleeing his prison in Dakar again during the night from Saturday to Sunday last year. Already arrested several times, especially for cases of theft…

who is preparing for Laurent Gbagbo’s return?

A new meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 4, in Abidjan when he returns to the country of former President Laurent Gbagbo, after ten years in exile. It will be devoted to the security system. The government has noted the date for June 17, which was announced by supporters of the former president, but discussions about the details continue. Discussions have taken place since November. And the reception system built by FPI has grown. On February 24, in the middle of the legislative campaign, supporters of the former…

FNDC activist Oumar Sylla appears before

Civil society activist and responsible for mobilizing the FNDC, which was initially tried by the court in Mafanco in the suburbs of Conakry, and sentenced to eleven months in prison on January 28, Oumar Sylla alias "Foniké Menguet" appeared on Thursday, June 3 before the Court of Appeal in Conakry. as reported from Conakry,…

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